You Have To Trust Me - Risks

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Zayn's POV

I stepped up to Liam and Louis' hotel room door, Harry had said Louis wanted to smoke with him, relax without feeling uncomfortable. I let myself in and saw Louis and Harry going at it on the couch.

"Jesus, you fuckers! Could've locked the door at least!"

They jerked away from each other, both laughing at what was happening, "god I swear you two..."

I paused.

"So you guys made up?"

Louis whooshed his head to the side, "ehhh! Zaynie, come'ere!"

I raised an eyebrow, damn you could tell by looking at him this was his first time being truly fucked up.

"We were just talking", Harry slurred, still putting his pants on in the most god-awfully slow pace.


"Hey, hey, Zayn!" Louis was walking toward me, he slung his arm over my shoulder, moving his fingers through my hair, "shh, keep this lowkey but Niall knows about you and his man, I didn't even have to tell him!"

He was making weird noises as he spoke as if he was having breathing problems.

Niall knew? I mean I love him to death but I also am in love with Liam...this isn't going to be good.

"I'm gonna go talk to Liam, I'll be back."


Niall's POV

"Liam, I know, you and Zayn, I know."

He looked as if someone stabbed him, "I'm so sorry Niall, baby, understand." He hesitated, "understand I love you so much but we're not the same."

Zayn burst into the dorm room, "Liam! Niall kno-", he cut himself off when he saw me sitting in the desk chair across the room. He looked panicky.

"Zayn, hi", I said calmly.

"Niall, I um, I swear it happened one night and no more than three times!"

I laughed lightly, "look Zayn, I'm not an idiot", I paused, "but I love Liam, and you love him. Why not work something out?"

Their faces twisted into confusion, I had a twinge of pain thinking of it, but I didn't want to lose one of my best friends and boyfriend, maybe this would work out.

"So you mean?" Liam sputtered, not sure how to word this.

"Open relationship?" Zayn finished.

"Yes and no, us three, basically I continue to date Liam and we work on our problems and Zayn you can keep being with Liam, whether you decide you enjoy him being a fuck buddy or real dating, we'll all go through it together. If you guys want?"

"Y-yeah, I guess we can try."

Liam was looking weirdly at me but he agreed, that's all that counts. I've got to win him back.

Harry's POV

"Louis, we need to talk." I was aimlessly walking in front of the hotel windows, I want Louis but I want my freedom and the high I get when being in trouble is just..indescribable. I couldn't let my new friends know I was gay either, who knows what they'd do to me.

"Y*hickup*yes Harry boo boo?" He said laying on the couch. "What is it?"

"God it takes you a while to come down, but anyways", time to make a decision Harry, you know you want Louis, think back to as a kid, all the memories. (Chapter One of Stay ehh) You can't keep pretending this 'high' is more important. Go back home with him. "Louis, I..."




"Hello?", Louis' voice rang out.

"Mmhm, well that's, that's something Ni, I'm proud you were mature."

"Alright, but Harry and I are talking so I'm gonna go but I love you, stay positive."

He hung up, a smile hinting at his lips. He looked so beautiful, so...angelic." Even though he had clearly became 'scruffy' with his facial hair, his brown, soft hair grown out, he still looked innocent and sweet as I had always known him.

God dammit Harry! Just be with him already! No more bullshit, no more drama, just you and him against the world.

"Louis, I love you."

"Well, that's the first time you've sounded sincere when saying that in a long time. But I love you too, what where you going to say before the call?"

I sucked in my breath, you'll lose him if you don't straighten up now, Harry.

"I want to come home".

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2017 ⏰

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