Chapter 25: I've got a pickle!

Start from the beginning

            He smirked. “Yeah, it was entertaining. And as much as I would love to discuss the past we need to go pick up Rikki.”

            The drive to the airport was uneventful but the second we arrived things changed. Rikki’s flight had been changed and she ended up getting in early. But there were three other flights trying to collect their luggage.

            We struggled to find her. But eventually we weaved our way through the crowds to the luggage carrousel her flight was supposed to be at but we still failed to see her.

            “Jake! Austin!”

            We spun around looking for the person who yelled our name. Obviously it was Rikki, but we still had yet to see her. Suddenly, someone landed on my back. “Hi, Jake.  Long time no see.” I didn’t need to see her face to tell she was smiling. “Hey, Austin.”

            “Hey, Rikki. These your bags?” She didn’t say anything but I’m guessing she nodded since Austin pick the bags up. “Let’s get out of here. I hate the city.”

            “But I thought you went to school in Boston?”

            “Yeah but I still hate the city.”

            We walked out of the airport. Well, Austin and I did. Rikki was still up on my back. We got to the car and Austin threw the bags in the back. “Rikki? Can you get off?”

            “She’s asleep.”

            “How did she fall asleep?” We did our best not to wake her up as we worked together to get her in the car. When she hit the seat, she murmured but quickly became silent again.

            Austin went around to the front and started the car. I climbed in the back and watched Rikki sleep. It may sound a little creepy but she has this aura around her that makes me want to keep watching her.

            Before I knew it, Austin had parked in front of Paige’s store. Rikki had said she wanted to get some more records. But I don’t know if she is going to actually wake up and be willing to go inside the store.

            “Rikki. It’s time to wake up.”

            “A few more minutes, pleazzz”

            “Rikki, you need to get up.”


            “Jake, watch a pro do it.”

            “No. Austin please don’t. I know how you wake people up and-”

            “GET UP!”


            “You tend to scare them.” I finished. But it’s too late now.

            Austin walked away laughing.

            “What just happened?”



            “Yeah. Do you still want to get some new records?

Rikki’s POV

“I need to talk to Austin, actually. I have a few college questions. I don’t want to bore you. You should go ahead though. I’ll meet up with you in a few minutes.”

He shrugged and walked into the store. I followed him and walked over to Austin.

“Austin, could you help me, again?”

“Sure. What’s up?”

“So, I was wondering if you knew if Jake might possible in some way-”

“Yeah he does.”

“How so you even know what I was asking?”

“Because I’m not an idiot.”

“So should I tell him?”

“Yes. Go. Do it now.”

I walked over to Jake. I can’t tell him right now, can I? Well, I could but…I don’t want to. But I do want to.

But I don’t want to.

But I do.

But I don’t want to.

But I do.

But I don’t want to.

But I do.

But I don’t want to.

But I do.

But I don’t want to.

But I do.

But I don’t want to.

But I do.

“Rikki?” I snapped my head towards Jake so fast I’ll be surprised if I don’t get whiplash. Has he been talking to me?


“I said do you want to head home?”

“Oh yeah.”

I let the argument continue in my head until we got back to my place. Austin and Jake carried my bags in and then Austin went out.

            “You want to watch a movie?” Jake keeps stopping the argument.

            “Sure. How about Little Rascals?”

            “Is that the one with Alfalfa?”

            “Yeah and the two kids that go ‘I got a pickle. I got a pickle. Yeah yeah yeah.’ I love it.”

            Jake searched through Netflix until he found it. He started it while I was still making popcorn.

            Maybe I should just go in there and tell him.

            Do it before you chicken out.

            “Jake, there is something I need to tell you.”


  It’s kind of obvious where this chapter is heading. Or is it? Haha. You never know what going to happen next. I will try my hardest to upload again sometime this weekend but it might not happen. Between school and work and the million other things I have to do, this is sort of taking a back seat. But I will work on it as often as I can manage. Besides I only have a few more chapters left. Maybe six or seven? I’ll figure it out. Anyway… Thanks for reading!


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