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Leo was getting high in the bedroom, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers that hung off his hips. He took one more drag then put it out when he heard the doorbell. Not really caring to get dressed he walked to the door and opened it. "Can I help you?" He asked with a raised brow. Leo's hair had grown longer still the same turquoise blue that laid on his shoulders and chest. Though before the other male could say anything, Leo's eyes went up to the much taller male's. "Ethan?" He asked completely surprised. He backed up from the door. "Fuck man...when did you get so fucking tall? And big. God damn, you can bench press me if you wanted couldn't Ya." Leo smirked, he found his new body a turn on but he wasn't going to say until Ethan spoke. "So...long time since I last saw you doing little brother." He smirked at the notion of this now man being his little brother.

Ethan felt his heart raising. His brother was just a few meters away and he didn't want to blew it. This was his chance to show him he was a man and no longer a little kid.

As the door opened, ethan stared seriously for a moment as his eyes trailed up and down his brothers body. He used to be taller no ?

" oh you remember me huh? Even after all the junk you consume ... What a surprise " Ethan said a bit annoyed as he opened the door up completely looking down at his brother. This was the man that basically told him to fuck off and get lost 6 years ago. For some reason he remember him bigger and scarier.

Ethan's eyebrow twitch a bit as he heard his brothers comment " well it depends... You can't be over 150 so I believe I can " he said in a deep voice that broke still a bit due to puberty.

" I am doing fine, just was in town ... Moved in recently... " he said as he locked the door behind him, placing his hands back on his jean pockets pushing them down a bit, showing off his hipbones " 6 months ago actually ... And well now that I am settled in I came to pay my big brother a visit " he said teasily as he walked inside the house.

He was surprise to find it a bit messy. Of what he remembered, Leo's wifey was a neat freak.

" so is your bitch home " he said giving emphasis to the world " or can we have a brother to brother chat " he said as he crossed his arms over his chest and relaxed all his weight one of his legs lifting his hip a bit.


"Just me and you here..." Leo said not even arguing about the bitch comment like he used too. He watched Ethan's body movement noticing how sexy he had become. "Your barely wearing anything..." He commented as he went to the couch. "You look like a taller version of me at what... 18 right?" His eyes flickered a little, Ethan was legal now. Completely fair game though he had to see if he was still as annoying as he was years ago.


" good ... I was not in the mood to deal with fucking pixies " Ethan replied sounding a bit surprised. Something was off. Where was his brothers loud complain about treating his "soulmate" nicely.

" well like your one to talk... Is this what you do all day..? " Ethan asked with a small chuckle " get high and sleep ? " he said not knowing anything about Leo's transformation "I mean you look better than you did when I last saw you " he teased as he put his bag down and took a seat in the couch .

" yeah I am 18 now, just turned it a couple of weeks ago . I when guy hunting for my birthday" he said teasily as his eyes glistered a bit under his heavy makeup " how about you ... How's life ...?" He asked seriously .


"Well... Not all I do" he said as he leaned back and crossed one leg over the other. "Just 2/3 of what I like to do." He laughed a little, "guy hunting? So cute." He said in a very demeaning tone. Cute meaning pathetic that he had to go out and hunt for a man. "So still into guys huh? You were young... It could have been a faze." He pulled out a joint from behind his ear and light it up with the lighter next to the couch. "Wanna hit?" He asked before answering the question. He took a long drag and handed it to his little brother. "Life?" He wanted to laugh, he didn't feel like he was living at all. "I don't know...I don't think I'm alive really." He eyed his brother over in his short tight jeans. "Your not my LITTLE brother anymore are you." He didn't even ask back how his brother was doing.

He honestly didn't care. There wasn't much he cared about anymore

Ethan lifted a brow " really.... Seem like you don't change " he teased looking at his brother through a more mature set of eyes " then what's that other part of what you do? Jerking off ?" He teased .

A little anger showed on Ethan's eyes sarcastically made fun of his ways." Well at least I don't have a chain around my hip tying me down to the boring married life..." He said imitating his brothers sarcastic tone.

" yeah I haven't looked at girls ever " Ethan said honesty as he looked directly towards his brother " yet they still look at me for some reason...either way you and da... Jaxx, showed me what I really wanted... Heck even ...Devin " he said bitting his lip as he spoke his name " yet I still have my preference when it comes down to it, I becomed flexible I guess you could say"

Surprised by his brothers offering, Ethan took it without question, taking a hit of it before handing it to his brother, before it was on his possession once again, taking an other drag of it. This time as he heard his brothers words he took a longer but that before, as he felt it a little stronger this time around.

"Oh ? Why would you say that ? You have a wifey and a house... You have what you always wanted, why don't you feel alive then ?" He asked sincerely as he caught his brother staring. " maybe your pixie boy does not please you enougth..."

Instead of saying anything he just spread his legs a bit giving his brother a better view

" little only in tittle I guess " he teased leaning forward and taking an other hit of the smoke before handing it back to Leo " want to take a closer look, we haven't seen each other in for ever " he teased.


The Madness( Leo / Devin/ Ethan/ Sin ): AddictionWhere stories live. Discover now