"Where is Oliver?" Oscar asks.

"On the floor of my room. He's tough. He'll wake up, draw and iratze and come find me and yell at me for not doing it myself. He'll prob also yell at me for throwing a dagger at him."

"You threw a dagger at him?! And just left him there?!"

"He tried to rape me Oscar! He doesn't deserve my help. Or any help for that matter." I fire another arrow. "I'm going to the Hawkfeather's hearing tonight then after that I'm going out to a club and getting extremely drunk. How drunk, I won't know till after the hearing." I fire another arrow. "Now. Are you going to shot some arrows or help your brother? I don't care what you do, but I'm going to blow off some steam."

"I'm going to check on my brother. I'll be right back." He says and walks out. I grab my arrows and put everything away. I walk over to the part of the training area where you punch shit. I stand in front of a punching bag and starting hitting.

"Jordan!" I hear someone shout. I look in the direction of the voice and Jon is standing a few feet away from me.


"I kept saying your name. Are you okay?"

"Sure. What's up?"

"James stored out of the room in a blur after getting a text from you. What happened?"

"Oliver happened. I'm ok. James and I had a fight. Now I'm blowing off steam."

"Oh. I can tell the blowing off steam part. That's why I wanted to ask if you were okay. I can get Serena if you want."

"Why would I need Serena?"

"Your hands." He says sounding confused. I look down at my hands and my knuckles are bleeding. A lot. I open up my fisted hands and they start to shake.

"Oh. Can you do it? My hands are shaking and I don't want to bother Serena where ever she is. Plus it's not life or death."

"Sure." He pulls out his stele and takes my hands. He wipes away some of the blood and starts burning and iratze into the top of my hand. I wince at the icy burn that starts on my hand. "Sorry."

"No it's fine. You'd think we would get used to the feeling of being drawn on my now."

"You'd think." He says and takes my other hand after finishing with the one.

"Thanks." I say.

"You're welcome." He says.

"I'm going out after the hearing. Wanna join me? I'm planning on getting really drunk."

"Any demon killing?"

"There's always a possibility of that. Plus I need someone to help me home."

"What do you mean by 'help you home'?"

"I'm not good at walking when I'm drunk."

"You were drunk that day you ran to save Jensen."

"That was me buzzed. You haven't seen me drunk yet. Ask Serena. You haven't seen the worst of me yet."

Life of a Demon HunterWhere stories live. Discover now