Chapter 1: Teen Titans, Go! 7/23/2013

Start from the beginning

Luckily, there was one close to the entrance, and I pulled in with ten minutes to spare. Stepping out of my Charger, I made my way to the doors of hell, hooking my sunglasses over my t-shirt as I did so. I kept my head up, just as my older brother use to tell me to do, and ignored the stares of the students around me.

The building looked old and decrepit, with the red bricks faded into a dull brown. The grass was freshly cut, along with the lush, green hedges that hugged the walls of the school.

I can already tell that today is going to be a bad day. I thought, trying to find my way to the front office, which, despite its name, was nowhere near the entrance.

I finally found it after what seemed like an eternity of searching the gray hallways, but what greeted me inside made me want to run, which, giving my laziness, would be a first for me!

The thing that awaited me at the front desk looked like chewbacca's wife. Or sister, mother, father? Well, at least it resembled a female. I think.

Ms. Transolini, by the indication from the golden nameplate on the desk was her name, was rude to me the whole time she printed out the needed papers for me.

Although, I don't think it helped that I was staring at the big bald spot on the top of her head.

The secretary thrusted two papers in my face; one with my timetable and locker number-69- and the other, a map of the school.

Dahlea was bigger than my old boarding school, with its three story height. Luckily for me, all of my classes were on the first two floors. The unlucky part is that I can't seem time find my locker. I snickered at the number I was stuck with for the duration of the year.

Like in a cliche movie, conversations of my fellow peers dimmed as soon as I turned the corner, so, because I have always done this in awkward situations, I belted out the tune, "Goofy Goobers", perfectly.

Not too long after I started, a male voice joined in with my own, his being horrendous and completely out of tune. The male's voice amplified in volume the further down the hallway I went, until, finally, the owner of it stood before me.

"Hello there, mystery goober." He greeted me.

I smiled a tight lipped one and blatantly ignored his outstretched hand. "Hello, guy who sounds like a dying skunk." I replied, choosing to be blunt with my opinion of how he sings.

"That's mean." He said, placing his hand over his heart, feigning hurt.

I raised an eyebrow at his childish persona. "Does it look like I give any fucks?"

The male looked at me and shook his head, casting his brown eyes downward.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking ahead, deciding that talking to this idiot was a waste of my time. Noticing that he was following me, I glanced at the immature teen and said, nonchalantly, "Don't even try that shit with me, mate. You're only wasting your time."

The stranger rolled his eyes skyward, and stuck out his fist. "The name's Charmichael, Jason Charmichael." Jason winked at me and flashed a charming smile.

I offered one of my own, except with no teeth showing, and bumped with him. "Anasandria Steele. Oi! Can you show me the way to locker sixty- nine? I think it's hiding from me." I asked with a frown.

He chuckled. "Well, my british friend, today is your lucky day! I know this place like the back of my foot!" Jason stated proudly.

"Your foot?" I asked, confused. "Isn't it suppose to be your h-"

"Yes, now come. I sense the bell." The teen grabbed my hand and tugged me in the opposite direction, just as a shrill ringing sounded.

It was hell trying to get through the throng of people pushing at each other, trying to get their belongings. We turned into a deserted hallway, and I sighed in relief. It wasn't really a hallway, it was more like a pocket in the wall of the one behind me and Jason. The lockers at the end of the small space, were tall, unlike the ones that I had seen throughout other parts of the school, which were split to make one at the top and another at the bottom.

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