Break Up In A Small Tower (Tony x Pietro x Reader)

Start from the beginning


I was in the kitchen in the Avengers tower cooking some dinner for the team. I was in my own little world, dancing to the music that I was playing. Pietro scared me by walking in and talking to me.

"(Y/N), Can I ask you something?" Pietro asked me. He laughed when he noticed  me jump.

"What is is Piet?" I asked as he took my hands in his.

"(Y/N), I have liked you ever since I met you, I was sad when you started going out with Tony. I wish that you didn't have to go through that, nobody should. I guess what I am trying to ask is, will you go out with me (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Of course I will go out with you Pietro," I answered smiling." He pulled me into a tight hug after that, and we went to the home theatre that is rarely used and we watched some movies.

*End of Flashback*

*Time skip brought to you by Tony and the team playing truth or dare with Sam, Maria, Phil, Peter Quill, Peter Parker, and Wade Wilson*

Tony had been in his lab all day, no sign of coming out, so Pietro and I thought it would be the perfect time to cuddle while watching Netflix. Pietro insisted on watching The Conjuring despite my protests. I was not even watching the movie anymore, my head was buried in Pietro's chest and he had his arms wrapped around me.

"P-Pietro, can we please watch something else?" I asked looking up at him, fear visible on my features.

"Of course printsessa, how about we watch Safe Haven?" He asked smiling down at me.

"I love that movie!" I exclaimed happily.

Pietro changed it from The Conjuring to Safe Haven and I turned around so I was watching the movie. About halfway through the movie, Pietro started kissing my neck.

"Pietro, let's watch the movie first," I breathed out.

"But that's no fun," he breathed against my neck.

He kept kissing my neck. I turned around and straddles his lap and captured his lips in my own. He squeezed my butt lightly causing a small moan to escape my lips. He laid down on the couch and pulled me down with him. His tongue grazed my bottom lip and I open my mouth lightly. He does not hesitate to let his tongue explore my mouth.

Tony's POV

Ever since (Y/N) broke up with me, I have pretty much been in the lab, only leaving to eat every once in awhile or to get a drink. I have been in the lab pretty much all day, it was night time now and my usual routine at this time is to go to the kitchen and get some scotch. Once the elevator made it to the floor with the kitchen, I walked out and I saw (Y/N) and Pietro on the couch in the middle of a makeout session. I stopped and stared, unsure of what to do. I mean, I knew she would move on from me, but I honestly never thought that she would date one of the other Avengers.

I wished that I could have gone over there and pulled (Y/N) off of that smug little jerk and beat the crap out of him, but I couldn't. I was the jerk who cheated on her, I broke her heart, I ruined the best thing that ever happened to me and I am never going to get it back. For some reason, I was still stuck to the same spot. I stood there for a good few minutes before I turned around and went back into the elevator and hit the button for my lab.

Once in my lab, I started to throw things around, I was beyond pissed at myself for messing things up with (Y/N). She was the only woman to put up with me, and I screwed it up. After (Y/N) left, I screamed at the woman I was sleeping with, because she made the first move. A little while later, I pressed my back against a wall in my lab and placed my head in my hands, and cried. A million thoughts kept running through my mind: How long have they been dating? Why did she say yes to him? How long after we broke up did they start going out? Did the whole team know about their relationship? These thoughts were not helping me, they were making it worse.

I need to get over (Y/N). It is going to be really difficult because there was a still a little part of me that was holding onto the hope of eventually winning (Y/N) back. It was a stupid hope, but I still had it. I guess I am just going to have to live with the fact that I lost the best thing that has ever happened to me. It will be difficult because we all live together, and that means I will see them all the time, but honestly, as long as (Y/N) is happy, I am happy. I just want to see her smile, she deserves it after what I did to her. We dated for almost a year, she wasted almost a whole year of her life on me. I decided I was going to be staying in the lab for the rest of the night, someone came in a few minutes later.

"Tony are you in here?" I heard (Y/N)'s silvery voice. I took my hands away from my face and saw her standing in the doorway looking to see if she could find me. She started walking further into my lab looking at all the cracked glass, and broken things in front of her. When she found me, she came over to me and knelt down in front of me.

"What's wrong Tony?" She asked concerned.

I didn't want to answer, so I looked away from her. I couldn't look her in the eyes. Even though I love her beautiful (E/C) eyes.

"You saw Pietro and I just now didn't you?" She questioned. All I could do was nod, unable to find my voice.

"Tony," was all she said.

"Listen, I know you are never going to take me back. I was a jerk, you wasted almost an entire year on me. I am really sorry, I still love you (Y/N), and that's why I just want you to know that as long as you are happy with him, I am happy for you. Don't worry about me (Y/N), you deserve someone better, someone who treats you the way you deserve to be treated," I explained at her.

"Thank you Tony. Please promise me you won't drink like crazy, I still care about you as a friend, go out, try to find someone, you might be surprised," she said smiling at me.

"Thanks (Y/N)," I smiled. She helped me clean up the mess I made before going back upstairs to spend time with Pietro.

*Time skip brought to you by Natasha doing Loki's hair and makeup against his will.*

(Y/N) and Pietro have been dating for two years now, over time (Y/N) and I have patched up our relationship and now we are best friends. We realized that we were meant to be best friends and not lovers. (Y/N) and Pietro surprised the whole tower, by announcing that they were expecting about four months ago. She has the cutest little baby bump right now. Upon finding out the gender of the baby, I went and bought everything that she would need for a nursery and even got the other guys to help put together the nursery. When I surprised (Y/N) and Pietro with it, they both thanked me and hugged me.

This is one time that I am happy that a relationship didn't work out. Now I have an amazing best friend, who helped me find my current girlfriend who also happened to be her best friend (Y/BFF/N). She was hesitant at first, but eventually said yes and we have been happily dating for a year and a half now. I couldn't be happier.  


I hope you guys like this chapter, I enjoyed writing it. This is what popped in my head when I was listening to the song Break up in a small town by Sam Hunt. Please let me know what you think!

Thank you RaevynBarton not only for the genius name of this one shot, but for the help when I was trying to figure out what to write about, and for proofreading it. Thank you for all of your help! You are amazing!

~Haylie ❤️

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