Chapter Sixteen- Liar

Start from the beginning

The driver came over to me and apologized before going silent on me. When I looked up I became speechless and my mouth went dry. My head shook, no this wasn't possible.

"You're dead. You're supposed to be dead. You're supposed to be dead!" I shout trying to get up and run but fell right back over. I feel myself start to cry as I back my body away.

"I-I don't understand, I'm right here Nicole. You were the one who died." She said to me finally speaking.

"I watched Dean kill you." Tears run down my cheeks, but they are quickly wiped away with my slightly cut up hand. "Those Winchesters. Sam killed me. I watched it happen before me."

"Don't worry." Avery shushed me. I sobbed relentlessly.

"Avery, we have to get the hell out of here. We need to leave this state." I started to hyperventilate, throwing my body into another state of shock.

Avery pulled me into a hug, rubbing circles in my back, trying to comfort me. I keep myself propped up on my hands as I cried into her shirt.

"I'm so sorry, Nicole. I'm so sorry." She spoke, crying slightly.

"I don't understand, Avery. You were bitten and I watch Dean slice off your-..." I choke on my own words before I can finish. Avery fell silent as she comforted me in the hug.

It was quiet, the only thing that was heard was the still running engine and my quiet sobs and sniffles. Avery pulled away slowly before quickly making the move to her pocket and pulled out a container. She screwed off the lid and threw the contents onto my face. Holy Water. I blinked and wiped my face.

"See I'm not a demon." I confirmed trying to get the water off my face.

"But you could be a shifter." She then pulled a silver blade out and made a slice on my arm. I winced slightly at how sensitive my skin was.

"I'm not a demon and I'm not a shifter." I said to her, she stood up and put the water and knife back into her pocket before giving me a hand to stand me up.

I took it and she pulled me up off the asphalt where I saw the car she was driving. This caused me to laugh slightly, "Talk about old school, huh?"

She smiled slightly looking at her car before motioning me to get in. I put my bag in the back and jumped in the front with her. She had the windows rolled down and took the car out of park before speeding off down the road.

Avery's hair blew back while she drove and had the music on high volume. My gaze was set on the woods as we drove down an unfamiliar road, I let Avery drive with no question assuming she would take us to a motel or out to eat.

I was very wrong when we turned down a road and I saw the old warehouse. My heart beat sped up and when I tried to speak to Avery my words were blocked out by the music. She looked over at me and smiled nodding along, she thought I was lip syncing with the loud song playing.

My fingers pressed against the off button on the radio but it refused to turn off. Stupid old cars. It was too late when we rode around the warehouse to reveal the Impala and the bunker doors.

I grabbed the door handle and frantically tried to open the car door. Avery looked at me before stopping the car and taking the keys out of the ignition. The door car door finally opened and I stepped out and took off running. My breaths were short and the boots were sliding off as I tried to run through the forest.

I hid around a tree when I heard extra footsteps running past the tree, I heard more behind them so I put my hand over my mouth to cover my heavy breathing. When I thought I was in the clear I panted again, my head peeked around the trees looking for signs of anyone.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips, I turned back around and just about threw up.

"Castiel." I breathed out, the angel tilted his head and narrowed his eyes.

"How are you back?" He asked staring at me.

"I-I....don't honestly know." I frowned, looking down slightly.

"Well," Castiel cleared his through, "It would be best if we all regrouped in the same place."

Before I could oblige, he put a hand on my shoulder and the scenic woods turned into the inside of the bunker.

My first reaction was to run out of here, but Castiel forced me into a chair and if I stood up he pushed me back into the chair.

"Nicole, I understand what Lucifer did but none of it was true." Castiel said looking at me.

I looked up at him and scoffed, "Liar, first of all, you could never understand. Second of all, Lucifer had saved me from Sam!"

There was a look of sympathy in his eyes, the bunker door opened and in stepped Avery first, then both Winchesters followed behind her. I reacted on instinct and stood up, but Castiel pushed me back down again. I glared at him, it was a glare of hate and I was petrified.

Sam pushed past Avery and came down the stairs rather quickly, he approached me in the chair and on impulse I started crying and shut my eyes. My arms rose protectively around my face as I tried to shield myself from him.

The memory of him coming over to me while I was strapped and gagged in that horrid chair replayed in my mind.

Castiel's grip on my shoulder brought me back to reality and I opened my eyes and pleaded to him.

Help me.

Woah, 900 reads... Thank you all so much for reading this story, plus this chapter was 1700 words!

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