Trial's and Error

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"We are here" the old man said as we walked through the last door in the corridor.

I looked around noticing hundreds of people each one with thier own tattoos on thier shoulders and each with a bright hair color.

"Excuse me" i asked the odd man

"yes? how can i be of service?" he returned

"Whats with the tattoos? and the hair... this isnt my natural hair color?" i said quietly not wanting to look foolish.

"Well the way the hair works is the different Colors are different Abilities that you may be Able to adapt and manipulate. Take me for example my white hair has allways been white im not really this old. My Main ability is Ice its easier for me to use ice then say fire"

"i guess that makes sense but manipulating elements isnt possible... it never has been and never will be" i said Matter of factly.

The man Chuckled and said "my name is Loki very nice to meet you" lets go, i want to show you some thing.

I followed loki to what looked like a Shooting Range and watched as kids and even the elderly went in with out guns

"how are they supposed to shoot the targets?" i asked

"Elements, I thought i allready explained this?"

i watched as Loki walked in and looked constipated.. I almost laughed but thought better of it. i didnt want to offend the man right? he was obviously crazy. I continued to watch and noticed a cold blue aura form around Loki and the target froze and shattered.

"No Way!" i said shocked not able to believe what i had seen there isnt way this is possible.

Loki returned and smiled "told you that Elemental manipulation is possible" he said with a wink

"how can i learn to do that?" i asked curiously

"lots of practice and work hard, you will be assigned an instructor depending on your abilities some are pretty scary though so be warned" Loki said in return

"Oh! also you need to check in i almost forgot! lets do that now"

i followed loki down a hallway into another room lined with booths, we approached the nearest one and asked to sign in

"Good day sir, How may i help you?" the clerk asked

"this new student needs to sign in to the school its his first time"

"AHA! new recruits are getting rarer.. they dont make kids like they used to they all are gutless cowards now a days." the clerk said sadly.

"Any ways whats your name and your number?"

"My name is Napes" i said

I looked over stunned as Loki was all but falling over laughing.

"WHAT!" i yelled irritably.

"your names not napes.... at least not any more..." he returned

"oh.... hehe i'm sorry" i said shyly

"the kids name is Phantom His number is XIII" Loki said

"Thirteen you say? Thats an uncommon number due to the usual Bad luck associated to it" the clerk said shocked "oh well no matter let get you registered.

The clerk stamped a few papers and looked generally busy. "Here you go you will be in room 19 in dorm 93. good luck withy our Training Phantom."

I thanked him as i grabbed the papers and we walked off once more "We are going to go to the dorm right?" i asked

"yep we gotta get you some rest you get assigned to a Teacher tomorrow" Loki said

We walked silently untill we reached room dorm 93 "You are on your own from here on out good luck and enjoy your rest" loki said waving as he walked off.

I walked to room 19 and walked in seeing two beds i figured i would be sharing a room with another person but dang they were messy. Food every where and clothes littered the floor. "It really needs to be cleaned" i said under my breath

"Whats that?" i heard from behind me. i turned around to see one of the tallest people i had seen he was at least six foot seven and was built to kill.

"Nuh nuh Nothing." i stuttered

He started laughing and said "dont worry bro i know its a mess i was trying to clean it up before you got here but i had to go on a mission."

"No problems i said we can clean it up after i finish packing, Either way Im Phantom nice to meet you." i said

"Nice to meet you" he returned "I'm Nexus Nice to meet you too. have you found out what Element your affinity is yet?" he asked

"no i havent.. im kinda nervous i mean its a big deal right?" i said

"Ehh there are some people with no Affinity it's not that important. Just comes in handy is all" He said casually.

"oh.. So i may not have one at all? And whats your Element?" i asked

"he chuckled and said Mine? its kinda weird.. not really an element at all. i can control Gravity . So im more of a back up or a side kick for now untill i fully master it." he said and looked slightly down

"Thats amazing!! i'm jealous" i said with a grin "that sounds really cool"

"thanks" he said "Either way do you know who you are being taught by yet?"

i shook my head and said "No not yet i learn that tomorrow, how do they decide?"

He chuckled and said "Oh you will see... you will see lets just say it will be Educational"

"Oh great" i said "oh well i will just have to go to bed and hope for the best right?"

he laughed and said "yep thats all you can do get some sleep brah"

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