To Meet

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Chapter 1: To Meet

“It seems your situation, is very peculiar. Ms Granger, I’m afraid that stone is – or in this case, was - product of very powerful magic, one of the oldest spells. I’m sure it is irreversible. I’m sorry. You will have to start your new life here. Judging by your robes, you were a Gryffindor?” Inquired Professor Dumbledore.

“Yes, sir. I was starting my sixth year.” She answered, distracted. Irreversible? Cool...

“Brilliant. A new bed had been added in your new dormitory. You will share it with Ms Lily Evans and two other girls. You will start classes tomorrow. I will order books for you and other supplies.”

Hermione immediately started to protest against his wasting money on her but Dumbledore stopped her.

“You need the supplies, so it is my pleasure to help a young witch such as yourself. After all, help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who need it.” Interrupted Dumbledore. “Now, I believe you have already met a certain Mr James Potter?”

When Hermione nodded reluctantly, he continued as if there was no interruption.

“He will be your guide. He will show you the school starting tomorrow. I will inform him about it later. You may know the school well already, but we can’t let your secret out. So you must pretend.  And remember, you are a transfer student from Stone Ridge School in Ireland. Goodnight Ms Granger.”

Before she left, she turned back and asked Dumbledore: “Professor, could you get Lily Evans to guide me. I think it’ll be better seeing as we’re both girls and we could be friends?”

He considered it for a moment before nodding. He then dismissed her and she walked outside. After taking a few steps, she was stopped by a hand curled around her pale wrist. She turned around and saw James was looking at her, he was clearly curious.

“Your name?” He asked - demanded.

“Hermione Granger. You COULD call me Myah, but that’d be only if I like you, and I don’t think I like you.” She responded confidently. “So I’m Hermione or Granger to you.” She might not know him, but she really didn’t fancy being hit on by one of the most arrogant and irritating guys she’d barely met.

“Hmm... Myah. I like your attitude. My name, as you already have heard, is James Potter.” He gloated.

“Really? I could’ve sworn it was Mr Arrogant Pixie. Oops. My mistake.” She retorted before releasing her wrist from his hold and striding away.

“Pixie?” He asked, bewildered.

“Yep, you remind of a pixie illustration in one of my old muggle fairytale books.” She answered, smiling sweetly. Fake, of course. His confused face made her smirk and walk even faster.

Never one to lose, James jogged up to her and then matched her pace. “You know, Myah, where you’re going?”

“Yes.” She replied half-annoyed. Obvious, right?


“Gryffindor tower.”

“How do you know your way there?”

She stopped for half a second before making something up.

“Oh, so I was going the right way? Shows that girls are intelligent. And good at finding places.” She lied.

“What do you mean, Myah? You mean secret passages, Myah?” He asked, exaggerating his arrogant voice when he said ‘Myah. He must know it annoyed her when he said it so irritatingly. 

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