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My eyes shot open with fear, I quickly sat up and look at my surroundings.

I'm just in my room.

I'm just in my bed.

It was just the same stupid dream.

I closed my eyes. Feeling the dizziness, realizing I got up too quickly, then turned to my nightstand beside me and reached for my phone. Looking at my hands, they were trembling.

I'm still scared, even if this wasn't the first time this happened.

I'm still afraid, even if this wasn't the second time I wanted to call for help.

I'm still terrified..

Even if this wasn't the thousandth time I was threatened by this monster.

I don't, and didn't, want to see him again.

Quickly, I grabbed my phone, unlocking it and pressing the caller id name, GavWav. The phone rung at least three times, before he actually picked up. He moaned, getting a stretch before saying anything.

"Hello?" He answered, his voice still raspy from just waking up.


He was quiet for a second. "Alexandria, it's four in the morning. Did you have that dream again?"

"Yea. I just wanted to hear if you were OK."

"Give me ten minutes." He hung up, quickly.

I think he might think this is getting childish, that i'm being a big baby. He's probably annoyed. I often call him early, because of this and I am sure he's tired of it, I would too if I were in his place.


Twenty minutes pass and he's still not here. What if he went back to sleep, or doesn't care. The doorbell rings, I jumped inches off my bed, hearing the sudden sound, screaming through my house. I slowly get up and walk down the stairs, looking through the peep hole, but it was too dark to see anything through it. "Who is it?"

"Who else." A very familiar voice, chuckled through his words.


I opened the door and hugged him tightly, he slowly wrapped one arm around my waist.

"I thought you went back to sleep."

"How could I ever do something like that, while you're in this state."

I smiled warmly, knowing I was safe now.

I pulled him inside, closing and locking the door. I turned, meeting a McDonald's bag held in front of me.

"I got you your favorite, because I was sure you were hungry, but I'm sorry it took long, the line was atrocious." He ran his hands through his messy, bed head, chestnut colored hair.

I took the bag, looked at him and smiled, making him smile back. "It's okay." I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his warm lips. "You got yourself something to eat in here too?"

"No, I knew this kiss would be enough." Smirking, his stupid smirk that he makes when he feels like he said something cool.

I laughed, feeling a little blushed in the cheeks.

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