Stolen Grace

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"What do you want with Akeno?" I asked. He took a step forward as if to methodically intimidate us. "Oh I want many things. Her soft flesh would feel so good, or the screams of pain as I rip those two ugly wings from her body." A smile curled up his lips. "Your not going to hurt her." I growled. Kiba put his arm up in front of me, "Don't. We have no ideal who or what he is yet."
"I don't care, I won't let him hurt Akeno." Koniko readied herself to fight alongside me. Cracking his knuckles he stretched, "Guess I'll test my strength out on you. After all if I can take you away from her then. Mmmhm such sweet agony. I get all tingly thinking about it." I was hating him more and more with every word he said.

"But first I'll tear you three apart. Starting with you kitty." He was faster then I thought, appearing in front of Koniko he hit her in the stomach sending her flying threw the air. Smirking he thrusted his hand out toward her, strings shot out of the tips of his fingers and wrapped around her. "It's over!" Closing his hand into a fist Koniko smashed into the ground making a crater. The strings shot back into his fingers, looking over at Kiba he smiled; "You're turn pretty boy." Summoning my sword I stepped in front of him, "Like I will let you. I will beat you here and..."
"No it's ok Alex." Kiba interrupted, he smiled at me took out his sword then continued, "Get Koniko out of here. I'll buy you time." I really wanted to argue but something told me not to. "Oh please." Konaki chuckled. "You won't even last that long but I can tell that going easy on you would be a mistake which is why I'm taking you down hard and heavy." Kiba looked over at me, "Go."

He launched himself forward so I ran. Koniko struggled to sit up, I picked her up and trudged out of the crater. In the back of my mind I was wondering how no one could hear this. "I'm sorry...he caught me off guard. Those strings absorbed my energy." she mumbled.
"It's fine. I'll get you to Rias." I said until I heard Kiba yell. Turning I watched him hit the ground hard, "Hurry....Go!" He yelled before Konaki slammed his foot down into Kiba's stomach knocking the air from his lungs. I turned to run when something hit me in the back of the head causing me to fall forward and drop Koniko who rolled a few feet away from me. "Tsk. Tsk. What part of I'm taking you three out did you not understand?" Strings sprouted from the ground and wrapped around my legs and arms pinning me to the ground forcing me to watch helplessly as he made his way over to Koniko.

Squatting beside her I watched him reach down and then with a movement I was barely able to process he ripped off one of her cat ears. Her scream pierced the air followed only by his maniac cackle. "A fitting trophy from one of the kitty sisters. Now what can I get from the sword birth?" He asked turning his attention to Kiba. I had to stop this but in this position I couldn't summon my sword. Knowing that the darkness was still an option I willed it fourth careful as to not allow it to take over like last time. "Here we go." He picked up Kiba's holy devil sword then slammed it on the ground shattering the blade. Picking up a piece of the blade he stuck it in his pocket, "Hopefully now you devil's see just how useless against me you are."

At that moment the tendrils of Darkness snapped the string that bound me. I rose to my feet and summoned my sword, the darkness was draining me especially since I wasn't one hundred percent. "Yeah it looks like you're turn, now I have to take something big from you. It's only fair, I mean come on you're the freaking darkness." I willed the tendrils of Darkness to attack him. They shot at him in every way yet he dodged or used string to tie them down. Moving in close I swung my sword but ducking he brought his foot up hitting me right in the chin, the strings wrapped around my throat and lifted me in the air. "Have you not seen threw my ploy? My stitches are special. Anyone or anything they touch they absorb the strength from that thing. You're darkness is strong yet in this fight you were destined to lose. I'm to strong, smart and fast." The strings dropped me to the ground.

"You let your guard down freak! Sword Birth!!" Kiba dug the hilt of his shattered sword into the ground a large red circle appeared under Konaki. Swords exploded upward aiming to skewer him except to my horror he managed to dodge every one of them. "Oh I haven't forgotten you. Not. One. Bit. You're all good fighters but against me you are nothing but little flys. I suggest you accept defeat." Turning toward me he gasped, "That reminds me. I get to take something from you and I know exactly what it'll be." I stood and pointed my sword at him; breathing heavily the darkness faded, "I won't let you." He looked at me with pity.

Opening his arms he invited me to come at him. "You won't even scratch me but feel free to try." Running forward I faked a swing sideways then came straight from under him with a upwards swing totally surprising him and myself. He jerked backward but not before his bottom lip began to bleed. Touching it he stared at the blood in amazement, "You.....You wounded me...." I kept my blade pointed at him ready to strike again until he started to laugh; "Nice. So very nice but alas it sure isn't enough." Before I could react he grabbed me by the throat and with more strength then he should have had he slammed me into the ground. Taking my sword in his hands he sighed, "This isn't worth a trophy, it's not nearly important enough to you." He smiled, "Still I have yet to hear you let me hear you!" He stabbed me right in my side missing anything fatal but pierced right threw my rub. I screamed in agony in turn he laughed. "Mmm I love your screams of despair. Now time to get me my trophy." With that he disappeared.


After I left with Rias and Sona I felt a spiritual shift. "Alright the reason I had you come here is because it's come to our attention that a Grace Stealer has found it's way here." I had heard of them before, a supposed extinct race of Angel and Fallen Angel hunters. During the war they would fight the angels and steal their grace; same with fallen angels. "I thought they all were dead. What's it doing here?" I asked. A bright light flashed threw the room, once it faded Raphael stood in the middle of our club room. "I'll give you a hint. It has to do with you, seeing as how you're the only fallen angel around with the exception of Azazul. You my dear are the weaker of the two making you an easier target." My blood ran cold.

"So you think I'm this Grace Stealers target?" I asked. Rias put her arm around my shoulder, "It's ok. You are part of my household and my friend. I and everyone of our friends won't allow this person to hurt you." Her words were spoke like a mother's reassuring a daughter. "Any ideal of what this thing looks like?" I asked. Rias and Sona looked at each other but it was Raphael who answered, "He just started here actually. My sources tell me he and you're little boyfriend are talking right now." I turned to go back when Raphael stepped in my way, "Move please."
"I cannot allow it." He said sternly.
"May I ask why not?" Rias asked. The angel turned to face her, "If you are to be a ruler of your household you cannot baby them." The ground shook, off in the way we had came from came a sound like a shot gun blast. "Rias please....they need us. Sona help us." I begged, there was no possible way I could handle it if he was taken away. Finally someone who was as different as I am yet he accepts me for who I am not what I am.

"Look Raphael say what you wish about me but if any of my pieces are in trouble it is my duty as their master to protect them. Let us pass." the angel closed his eyes then sighed, "This is bigger then you. Fools. Fine so be it." In a flash of light he was gone. That's when we heard a scream, "Hurry!" Sona said. We all three started running in the direction of the commotion when out of thin air a guy appeared. His most notable feature was his bleeding stitched bottom lip. Bowing he chuckled, "I'm afraid that the darkness user has lost so as payment I am taking something close to him, which as luck would have it is you." He said to me.

"Your so full of grace....not to mention you're a hideous half fallen half devil. I'm going to enjoy what comes next." Strings shot out of his fingers and wrapped around me. "Release my Queen now or die!" Rias said. With a smile he bowed once more, "To late." then like that I was some where I've never been. "Rest now. It's only the beginning." After that everything went black. Where are you Alex? Are you safe? Will you come to save me?

To be continued...

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