Chapter One: The Beginning

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Chapter One: The Beginning

"Esther, can you please go up and answer number 17 on the board?" My calculus teacher, Mr. Wenn, asks. I slowly stand, and make my way to the front of the room. I pick up the black dry erase marker and quickly finish the problem on the board. As I place the marker back on the ledge of the whiteboard, the lunch bell rings.

"Alright class, your homework is page 254 numbers 1-20, due monday at the beginning of class." I scurry over to my desk, and quickly write down today's assignment and pack up my schoolbag. I sling it over my right shoulder and make my way down the white hallway to the lunchroom.

I sit down on one of the blue rectangular lunch tables beside one of the large white panel windows. I take a quick look around the large cafeteria, almost instantly spotting my group of friends waiting in the lunch line. They glance at me, smiling like they always do. I quickly turn my attention to my bag and unpack my lunch, chicken yakisoba and strawberry banana smoothie, and dig in. Before I know it, they plop down in their regular seats, an argument already in place.

"-that's exactly why you should have listened to me." Holly rolled her eyes.

"It doesn't look that bad Holly, the red streaks look fabulous," Amber attempted to defend Taylor.

"Why don't we ask Esther? Her hair is naturally weird." Jenna suggested. They all look at me, expecting me to jump to either Taylor's or Holly's side. To explain something, my hair is naturally mixed as silver/white and black.

I take a long look at Taylor's new red streaks, trying to decide if it looked well with her blonde wavy hair, "I think it looks fine, it's not like she's trying to be brown with red."

Holly looked at me weirdly, "You're right, that would we a disaster." We all laugh, and start eating our lunches.

"So Esther, it's barely a week into our senior year." Amber said out of the blue.

"Ehh?" I look up at her, surprised at she was the first to speak up.

"What's on this year's bucket list?" She was smiling, no smirking.

I narrow my dark brown eyes at her, "What are you planning evil one?"

She rolls her eyes, barely containing the laugh she wanted to release, "Evil one? That's certainly going on the bucket list, teach Esther better comebacks."

Before I can say anything, the intercom goes off, shushing the lunchroom, "Esther Williams, please report to the main office immediately."

My friends look at me, Jenna pipes up, "What did you do?"

I look at the exit of the cafeteria, "I have no idea."

I pack up the remaining of my lunch and place it in my bag. I could feel people's eyes on me as I wander out of the cafeteria. As I walk down the white and blue hallway to the main office, I spot the representative for the divine class, Aiden Gray. He was talking with one of the male underclassmen. As I pass them and walk into the office, I could smell the smoke coming off of him, he was awfully mad.

"Ah, Esther, there you are," Ms Granger smiles. "I have a favor to ask of you."

"A favor?"

"Yes, can you please show our new exchange student around? I already excused you from your afternoon classes, so there is no worry." She steps aside, revealing a young dirty blonde teenage girl.

"Of course Ms. Granger," I agree.

"Excellent," She exclaims, "This is Harper Blue, a divine senior from Henderson Academy."

I offer a smile and stick my hand out to shake her own, "I'm Esther Williams, one of the representatives of the human class. Welcome to Wings Academy."

She gives me a small smile, and takes my hand, "Hello."

"I already gave her a schedule and a uniform. Her suitcases and spare uniforms are already delivered to her dorm room, T 67." I nod, taking her schedule into my hands.

We walk out of the office, heading to her dorm room. I look down at her schedule, noticing we only had two classes together.

"Well Harper, we only have seventh hour history and fourth hour calculus together," I inform her.

"Oh, um that's good. Someone I know will be there." She says, a small smile evident on her face. "Can I ask you a question?"

I cock my head to the side, "Of course, don't be afraid to ask me anything."

After a short pause, "What happened to your eye?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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