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Leila's P.O.V.

Oh my gosh, I thought that it wasn't a disease! Then why am I attracted to a girl too!

One day, I was a straight A student with straight teeth and a straight posture, then BAM. Mallory came into the picture and I'm wondering if I'M straight.

I sighed in frustration, trying to focus on cooking lunch on the grill in front of the pool.

"Hmmm, hamburgers and hotdogs. Yum," I heard someone say from behind me. Mallory.

My heart rate quickened and my breath caught in my throat.

"Yeah," I managed to say.

"Why do you always focus when you're cooking?," she asked, now standing beside me.

I shrugged. "I usually don't because I enjoy cooking but today I'm focusing?," it came out as a question.

"Why do you watch me every time I cook?," I asked her.

"You look so cute focusing on the food," she shrugged, grabbing another tong and helping me. "But I'd love to see you enjoy cooking too," she said, looking at me.

Slowly, I looked at her too and gulped.

She leaned in, her eyes intense, and stopped a few inches from me, her breathing so sweet on my lips.

I swallowed and closed my eyes, closing the gap and pressing my lips to hers.

After a few moments, I smelled burning so I jumped away from her and flipped the burgers, relieved that it wasn't too burnt to be inedible.

"Can we talk later?," Mallory asked as she checked the hotdogs.

I nodded, a blush on my cheeks.

Elizabeth's P.O.V.

Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh.

I don't think I can keep my hands to myself anymore if she does that any longer.

Vivienne was stretching, apparently for surfboarding. However, I know it's for Mallory to see but she was talking to Leila, as always.

It's our second day here and apparently, we're at the beach fifteen minutes away from the villa and so far we haven't made friends yet, and Leila and Mallory  had gotten closer since cooking the hamburgers and hotdogs yesterday.

Viv wasn't pleased with that, in fact, she was more motivated to gain Mallory's attention, which made it harder for me to see her wanting someone who likes someone else. However, I believe that Mallory could like Viv since, well, she's Vivienne Huxley and who doesn't like her? I just... Have mixed feelings on it. I mean, here I am telling her to chase her when I myself can't follow my own advise. I know what she likes and dislikes. I know her dream dates and weddings. I know everything. But it just isn't enough to know when she wants someone else to do them for her.

"Cover that woman boner," someone whispered to me.

I looked up to see this girl with raven hair and pale skin sitting beside me.

I blushed, realizing what she said, "Is it that obvious?," I asked.

She nodded, laughing at my face.

"So. Why haven't you done anything yet?," she asked, licking at the ice cream that she brought with her.

"She likes that one," I sighed, nodding my head to Mallory.

"Looks to me the orange head is with the red head," she snickered.

I raised an eyebrow," How do you even know?," I asked, glancing at Mallory.

"The secret touches. The laughing and leaning towards each other. The looks," she shrugged, as if it was so obvious.

I studied Mallory and Leila from afar, now noticing what the girl was saying. "Good point."

"Alyssa." The girl introduced herself, putting her hand out to me.

I shook it, smiling. "Elizabeth, but call me Liz."

"So, Are you going to go after her already?" She asked.

"Why? Do you want to go after her?," I asked.

She chuckled," Nah, I have a beautiful wife and two children at home. Came here with my friend Dana. Now where is that woman?," she muttered, looking around.

Suddenly, a woman jumped on top of her, making them both laugh.

"Hey," the woman with blonde hair and blue eyes greeted me.

Wow, she's pretty.

"Hello," I said shyly.

"Dana, Liz. Liz, Dana. Now go somewhere else with that sexual tension," Alyssa gagged, making me blush and Dana laugh.

"Don't worry about this one, she's just missing Denise. My god, they've been married forever and she still wants to be with her every minute of every day. Plus, I have a girl back at home," Dana said, rolling her eyes.

"Dana here made plans with my wife to kidnap me from the Philippines to here for four days. Like, I could've had sex with my wifey for 12 times already in that time period!," Alyssa exclaimed.

It was quiet for a moment before Dana and my eyes met and we laughed hysterically.

"Well glad to be of entertainment to you guys," Alyssa said sarcastically.

I wiped the tear of joy from the corner of my eye and realized that Dana and I were both laying on our backs and facing each other, our faces a bit close to my personal space. I mean, we both like or even love different people but damn she's pretty.

Someone cleared their throat, and it was not Alyssa.

I looked up to see Viv, her hand on her hips and she was raising an eyebrow. That is so hot.

I cleared my own throat and sat up, patting the sand beside me and waiting until she sat down to introduce them. "Viv, this is Alyssa and Dana, they came from the Philippines. Alyssa and Dana, this is Vivienne my bestie."

"Well I'm from Boston, actually," Dana said.

Before I could ask how they met, Viv gripped my arm while shaking their hands. What the hell is her problem?

We goofed off for a few hours, ate lunch together and Dana and I exchanged numbers to keep in touch.

Later that night, Viv was still acting strange so I confronted her.

"What's wrong, Viv?" I asked.

"You can't have another best friend, Liz. It's against sis code!," she exclaimed.

My mouth fell open. What the fuck?

"They're only here for four days, Viv! Boston is far away and I was trying to make friends, not replace you!," I argued back.

"Well it didn't seem like it when you were rolling around the sand with DANA," she exploded.

I sighed, rubbing my hand over my face then approached her slowly, putting my hands on her shoulders. "Viv, you are my best friend and that will never change, alright?"

Viv sighed and nodded, "Alright. I guess I was just jealous."

I smiled at her widely, nodding my head. "Alright then, let's change into pajamas and go to sleep."

She nodded and turned to get her sleepwear while I slowly changed into mine, looking at her from the corner of my eye.

I glanced at her from time to time and was surprised when our eyes connected.

I smiled at her warmly, my heart exploding inside my chest.

She smiled back and went back to changing.

When we finished changing, we both climbed into the bed, with her cuddling closer to me that ever before.

"Goodnight, Liz."

"Goodnight, Viv."

When I was about to fall asleep that night, I realized something that made me happy.

We didn't talk about Mallory.

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