facing her

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Fitz woke up to the sounds of busy doctors. He could smell chemicals and recognized he was instantly in the lab. He tried to sit up but his bullet wound was too painful. Then he remembered. Jemma simmons. The woman he risked his life for. The woman he loved. Shot him.

Out of anger he managed to sit up forcefully but it hurt like hell. He was still comprehending about the fact that she was going to watch him die

He was more curious how he even managed to survive the bullet shot to the stomach. He realized he was in one of his jumpers and he could see his other clothing covered in blood near the side of his medical bed.

He suspected the bullet didn't go that far through his stomach and he'd only just survived it.

After 2 hours of healing the doctors said he could go back to his bunk on his own. Fitz stood on the floor of the lab and started taking small steps towards the glass doors. He could feel the pain in his stomach but it wore off after a few more steps. He confidently headed towards his bunk, not caring how many stares he got from the other agents that passed by him in the floor of the playground

He opened the door to his room steadily and entered. Then he saw it. Oh god he thought

Simmons was sobbing uncontrollably on the floor of his room. He could see a picture of him and her on Thier mission to find ab O84 in Peru, in her hand. He suspected that no one had told her that he survived the bullet shot

"Jemma..." he started to say. At this point he had no sympathy for her. No one would if they had just got shot by the person feeling sorry for themselves. He was more angry than sympathetic

"Get out of my room and don't talk to me" he snapped as he headed over to his bed

Jemma dropped the picture on the floor and stood up "look, I had to....I really didn't want to hurt you...."

"Jemma! Get out of my room!" He yelled which made her jump. More tears formed in her eyes. This made fitz more frustrated. She ran out sobbing harder than she was before

Fitz gulped. He had to admit that was a little harsh of him, but he felt like she deserved it so he put that thought to the back of his mind. He picked up the picture of him and jemma from the floor where she had dropped it. He stared at it

"This is gonna be a long week"

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