~Happy Endings~(part one)

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Chapter Eighteen: Happy Endings

     Audrey left Francis's dorm room, and scattered outside. It wasn't long before she found Chad, Lonnie, Doug and Jane -mainly because the kingdom was almost deserted- "Guys!" she exclaimed "I have great news!" Chad rolled his eyes, "What!?" he crossed his arms as Lonnie punched him in the ribs. "The villain-kids.... they turned good!" Jane and Lonnie squealed, "That is great news, Audrey!" Jane said. "Yes." Doug began "However, the villains are still roaming the area, and everyone fled. And, not to mention, Mal, Carlos, Jay, and Evie are in an unknown location..." Chad beefed, "Whoa Doug! Way to get the negatives out there!" they all stared at Chad "What!?"

     Audrey stepped forward, "Okay, anyway..." she began "Francis and the others are  getting Ashton, and we need to meet them at the big tree!" Jane cracks a shy smile, "Is Carlos going to be there?" Lonnie elbows her arm, "Oooh!" Chad groans, "Oh, brother!" Doug puts his glasses into place, "Like I said before; 'Mal, Carlos, Jay, and Evie are in an unknown location...' Therefore, no he will not be there." Jane frowns, "Oh" Audrey pushes everyone onward, "Hurry up guys! We're wasting time!"

     The big tree was the only thing left of the dining area, it was a huge oak tree that was likely hundreds of years old. Uma, Ashton, and Francis finally arrived, along with the core four and Belle and Beast.

"So inform me on the situation..." Audrey commanded.

Uma heaved, "Ugh... Well, I have this jar..." she presented it to everyone "...and it's gonna trap our parents in there until we figure out what to do with them. As we speak, Khristopher and Hannah are creating a diversion to lure them into the trap. So...we should probably go so that we don't miss our chance to end this!"

"Let's go then!" Ben proclaimed. They all started running for the castle front, with Belle and Adam lagging behind, "I'm getting too old for this!" he complained, trying to keep up with the kids.

     Uma was going to trap the other villains after Hannah and/or Khris gave the signal. She decided to do it with Francis and Ashton because they have always been a team. While they were doing that, Belle and Beast were trying to convince everyone to come back. Jane was busy looking for her mother, because she knew that if anyone could get the kingdom back in order, it was the Fairy Godmother. Carlos and Dude decided to tag along, so Jane wouldn't be so "lonely." Hannah and Khris thought it would be easier to go with Jafar, knowing as Jay had been easy, so Jafar might be easier.

    Following Khristopher's plan, Hannah took the large portion of the kingdom's treasure and dumped it onto the ground. Then she hid with Uma and the others. "This is getting old..." said Uma.

"What is?" Hannah asks.

"Crouching down and hiding... normally, when I do this, it's when I am playing a prank on vagrants on the isle..." her voice was down to a low whisper "I guess that that's over now..."

     Hannah placed a hand on her shoulder, "You're a new Uma..." she turned to the boys "...and you're a new Ashton, and you're a new Francis! We have been given a chance, I took it... will you?" The boys looked at each other, then the ground, then at the girls. They bopped their heads, "I'm going to do my best..." says Ashton. "And I'm going to be me... not my father." Francis declared.

     Khristopher tapped their shoulders, "Guys! Villain number two! 3:00!" they shifted their focus to beyond the bushes, towards the treasure. Sure enough, Jafar was creeping up to the pile. "Now Uma!" Ashton whisper-shouted. She shook her head, "No! Not yet..." Jafar examined the gold peices before putting them in his pockets and bags. "What are you waiting for!" Francis exclaimed.

     Uma took a deep breath before casting the spell. She jumped out of the bushes, "Hey ugly!" Jafar turned, "Huh?" Uma pointed the top of the jar in his direction, sucking him in, and trapping him. After the container was sealed, everyone collapsed to the ground, trying to catch their breaths. "Two down..." Khris whispered "Five more to go..."


     Belle and Adam were in the royal carriage, heading to the barrier, hoping that they would find all their subjects. Luckily, Ava, Anna, Kristoff, Elsa, and Ella were just up ahead.

"Woah!" cried Beast, telling the horses to stop.

Elsa, Anna, and Kristoff bowed, "What can we help you with?" asked Anna.

"Nothing..." Belle replied, stepping out of the carriage.

"It's almost safe to come back, and we're here to collect everyone." Beast announced.

"What do you mean it's almost safe to come back?" Kristoff demanded.

"Well... the ex-villain kids are trapping their parents. So, it will be safe as soon as they're done. In the meantime, we are fining all citizens, to come back home."

"Alright..." says Elsa "we'll go back. And we'll help you find everyone else as well."

Beast bowed his head, "Thank you."

She curtsied in reply, "My pleasure."


     Jane and Carlos had found Fairy Godmother imprisoned in a magic force-field. She was frozen in there for days, snared in it by none other than Maleficent. "I can't figure out how to break it!" Carlos blurt out. "Me neither..." Jane replied sadly. She saw movement in her peripheral vision, she looked up and saw her mother making hand motions, trying to tell her something. "What?" she asked. Fairy Godmother pointed to Jane "Me?" she asked.

     She nodded, then swung an imaginary wand. "You... want me... to.... um?" Carlos cut in, "I think she wants you to use your magic!" Jane smiles and nods, "Okay..." She didn't exactly know how or what to do, because the last time she used magic she ruined Audrey's hair, but she took a deep breath, and just said what she felt she needed to, "Beware foreswear, set free... who's... trapped inside there?"


     Then, all in an instant, a blue smoke swirled around the bubble, coverring it, and then... pop! Fairy Godmother was freed! "Thank you darling!" she exclaimed "You did great!" Wrapping her arms around her mother. Jane sniffled, "Thank you mom." Carlos nervously chuckled, "I hate to break up this... beautiful moment... but, we need to help Auradon! Fairy Godmother... do you know where your wand is?" Fairy Godmother sighed, "Well, Maleficent had it. And then she netted me in this bubble..."

     Jane and Carlos looked down at the dirt, disappointed "but...thankfully I grabbed it before she did!" FGM held the blue wand up in the air. "Yes!" Carlos said "Now, let's go fix our kingdom!"


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