Between Dreams...

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Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub. Jane's heart pounded against her chest wall as she glared into the darkness trying to make out any shape or form that could be seen at the end of her flash light. She twist and turned wildly with her weapon at the ready, prepared to shoot what ever was coming for her. Something was coming for her, she felt it in all directions, behind her, in front of her, beside her; danger was coming at her from all sides and she couldn't see anything. Jane gritted her teeth as sweat began to bead and roll down her temple. Her heart began to race faster and faster then all of a sudden she felt a hand gently grasp her shoulder from behind. Her eyes flew open wide as she grabbed the hand on her shoulder, twisted the persons arm behind their back, shoving the pistol into long locks of honey brown hair. 

"Jane!!!!," screamed a melodic voice, after hearing, Jane could never mistake. Confused, Jane released the person and let her weapon drop as she turned the person around.

"Maura?" Jane said as she studied the terrified expression on Maura's face."I-I'm so sorry. I had no idea it was you."

"It's alright, it's alright. I came to tell you something pertinent, so listen closely," Maura spoke frantically as she continued."Hoyt is coming for you, Jane. He said to tell you 'I want my little Janie-

" I want my little Janie all to my self and this bitch," Jane's heart stopped and her body went cold as sharp object was pressed into the soft spot on the back of her neck and a hand snaked past her head with a weapon pointed at Maura."can't have you. Say goodbye to your Maura, Jane!"

"Noooooo!!!!" Jane welled in agony as she grasp Hoyt's hand and pulled it into her abdomen. She curled her head down, pushing into the body behind her as she found the trigger and pulled.

 Everything then stood still for Jane, or more like, it changed completely. Everyone sees something before they die, or so Jane believed, wither it be a white light or your past flashing before your eyes. But not for Jane, what Jane saw was Maura, Korsac, and Frost standing in front of Maura's house with red and blue lights flashing. She then saw them come over to her a take her inside and lay her down in a big white bed with canopy drapes . Maura was pulling back the covers tucking her in and laying down on the bed with her after the other detectives left; once Maura checked that they were gone she moved close to Jane and asked softly,

"Jane, I would like to embrace you. Studies have shown that the hormones dopamine and serotonin are released, making you feel significantly better when embraced. Would you let me?".

Jane tried to move her body closer to her voice happy that she could have saved her. Although they had just met, Jane felt as if there was something special about this woman that the world need to survive. Taking this as a 'yes', Maura moved to embrace her warmly and sweetly, wrapping her arms around her, pulling Jane's head on her chest. Jane had never felt more alive than when she held her in her arms, to bad she was about to die.

"I- I....l..v-," 

"Ssssshhhhh," Maura cooed, silencing the last words Jane would ever speak that night.

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