Chapter Eleven

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It starts to rain. People are leaving the festival, since it's already ten-thirty, and the festival ends at eleven. Sammy and I run outside, searching the crowds for Calvin.

"He must not have came," Sammy says quitely.

Tears blur my vision. He took that picture of me when I wasn't looking, and entered it into the contest. He called me Ocean Eyes. My heart is practically swelling with love for him, but at the same time, I'm broken that he's not mine anymore. And its all my fault.

"We have to find him!" I shout, sobs breaking my voice. I shove past people, looking any curly haired brunette guy in the face. Calvin is among none of them. My heart is pounding so hard I can't think straight, and I'm just lost in this sea of emotion.

Why'd I ever break up with him?

The reasoning I had with breaking up with him seems foreign now. What was I ever thinking? How stupid am I? I need him, I need to tell him I need him, and beg for his forgiveness. Where in the world is he though?

"Hey, uhm, Sun?" Sammy says.


"I just got a text from Landon. Calvin's at his house- Hey, where are you going?"

I just run off. I don't look back, or wait to hear Sammy's response. All that matters right now, is me finding Calvin, and telling him how much I love him.

People stare at me as I run, some asking me if I'm okay. No, I'm not okay. The man I love is going to be leaving in like, two weeks or maybe even less. And I'm not going to be with him when he does. Tears just keeping trickling down my face, and I'm not even breathing. The running and the sobs make it impossible, and there's a sharp pain in my stomach and sides. I press through, not caring at all what anyone is going to think. I have to make it to Calvin, I just have to.

Why does Landon's house have to be a stupid distance from the festival grounds? I grumpily think. Its absolutely ludacris. I stumble, and now I'm weezing. Okay, I seriously need to get in shape. Focusing on the task at hand, I keep running. The pain gets even worse, and suddenly its like I can't help it. I fall.

My face slams into the sand, and I gasp for air. I'm soaked to the bone with tears and rain, and my whole body is screaming at me. Mostly my heart, which is saying, You stupid idiot. This wouldn't be happening if you hadn't freaked the heck out and dumped him.

Thank you brain, I'll remember this.

I lay in the sand, weezing from lack of air, and clutching my chest. The pain is everywhere, and I just want to lay there and cry.

Get your fat butt up and go AFTER HIM!!!

 I force myself to get up, and I continue to run. I have determination set in my heart, and I'm not stopping until I get to Landon's house. I can see the outline of it now in the rain. A big gust of wind sweeps me to the side. Holy crap! Is this a freakin' hurricane or something? Why is mother nature so against my relationship?

I'm in the driveway now, and my heart stops for a moment. This is it. The moment of truth. I have to tell him I made a huge mistake, and tell him how much I love him. Will he take me back, after I hurt him so much, and didn't even explain? He texted me, and called me so much, but I never answered him. What's he going to think of me? He must think I'm some bipolar weirdo, and regrets ever dating me. I throat constricts with even more tears, but I swallow them back. No, I'm not going to let any insecurity hold me back. Its time. I have to do this.

Grow some balls, Sunshine!

I'm a girl, I shouldn't have balls.

You know what I mean!

Why do I have conversations with myself?

I muster up all my courage, and ring the doorbell. I hear a clutter, some laughter, and Landon opens the door.

"Sunshine? What are you-"

"Is Calvin still here?" I interject quickly.

"-doing here? He left like, two minutes ago. Why are you soaked and covered in sand?"

I missed him. I ran all this way, and I missed him. "Do you know where he went? Did he say anything about me?"

Landon crosses his arms, frowning. "He went somewhere special, he said. He hasn't stopped talking about you, Sunshine. Seems to me you ripped out his heart, but didn't even bother to hand it back to him on a silver platter. Look, if you're unsure, I'm not certain-"

"I'm sure," I say desperately. "I made the biggest mistake of my life. And now all I want to do is fix it, Landon." I turn around, and start for the one place I know he could be.

I'm going to the cave.

:)                                             :)

"Calvin?" I call, my voice dripping in sadness. "Calvin?"

No one answers. Maybe it was stupid to come. I continue on though, to the pool, and see him sitting on the edge, dipping his feet in. He's surrounded by cans of Dr. Pepper, and Twix wrappers.

"Calvin? Did you hear me calling for you?" I ask softly.

"Yeah, I heard you. What do you want, Sunshine? I get it, its over. I'm disgusting, and you never want to see me again."

The pain in his voice, and his words are like a slap to the face. "I never said any of that."

He turns to look at me, tries to glare, but fails. The pain is too deeply etched in his expression. "No, come to think of it, you didn't really say anything. I don't even know what I did wrong."

I start to cry again. "Calvin, you didn't do anything wrong. I was just... I was just scared. I thought that after you went back to Columbus, you'd forget all about me. I'd be left wondering what I did. I thought if I just ended it, I'd save myself a lot of pain, which was a terrible mistake. I'm sorry, Calvin, I'm so sorry."

He sits there quietly, and looks at me. "You... I told you, promised you with everything I had, that I wouldn't do that. Did you not believe me?"

"I don't know what to believe," I whisper.

Calvin gets up, and wraps me in his arms. Gosh, I missed this so much. I clutch him to me, squeezing so hard, afraid to lose him. "Believe me, Sunshine, I'll never leave you. No one compares. Not anyone. I'll never do that." He leans back to look me in the eyes. "Never."

Then he kisses me, sweetly at first, but then its just desperate. He kisses me with a passion, something I've missed so incredibly much.

"I love you, Calvin Daniels."

"I love you, Sunshine Collins. Don't ever do that again. I almost ate myself in a food coma," he laughs.

"Wasn't that my job? You know, since I'm the girl?"

He grins. "I guess I'm just a different kind of guy."

I touch his chin tenderly. "Yeah... You sure are."

He kisses me again, and I hear my phone ring. I check to see who it is. Its Sammy. She can wait until later.

I kiss Calvin, and grin like a stupid little girl. He's smiling like an idiot, too, so its all okay. I'm so happy, I could just scream.

"Why are you covered in sand?" he inquires.

"Well, I kind of fell while I was running to find you... In the storm."

"You ran through the storm?" He sounds so happy. "I didn't know I was so missed."

"Believe me, you were greatly missed. I was stupid."

"Yep," he says happily. "You sure were."

I laugh, and playfully smack his shoulder. He wiggles his eyebrows at me, and then picks me up.

Oh, no. "Calvin, I'm already wet."

He keeps flashing his devious eyes at me. "That's why it shouldn't be a big deal."

And with that he tosses me into the pool, quickly following me. I'm so in love right now, it doesn't even matter.

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