Chapter Four.

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Calvin leads me to the beach, and starts walking west down the coastline. He refuses to tell me where we're going, and keeps the questions coming.

"How long have you lived here?" he asks.

I'm kind of uneasy. I'm so not used to anything like this. "All my life. My parents met in the eighties, and waited a while before getting married. They're actually from Georgia."

"I have an aunt that lives in Georgia. She's a little crazy though, got that wild look in her eye. We visit every once in a while."

"So are you from around there then?"

"I'm actually from Columbus, Ohio. My mom wanted to vacation here this summer."

I stop. Columbus, Ohio? That's a long way away. "Oh." I continue walking. "So, you flew down here?"

He laughs."Drove. Mom likes the whole 'road trip experience', or whatever."

I smile, looking at the dimples in his cheeks. He hasn't once tried to hold my hand, or put his arm around me, which is surprising. Calvin seems more... Respectful now. He keeps an appropriate distance, though still stands close. The intoxicating smell of his cologne complicates concentration, but it also breathes life into the growing cloud that's about to carry my heart away.

"My mom's never been the traveling type. She likes to be close to home, where my dad is."

"Your folks sound like they're pretty in love. How'd you become so opposed to love?"

I wince, and clear my throat. He nods his head, aware he asked the wrong question at the wrong time. There's this wave of electricity between us, and even without looking at him, I'm very aware of his presence. He says nothing, until we finally reach this cave.

"Here it is!" He says excitedly.

"Uh, a cave?"

"The surprise is on the inside of the cave. C'mon, I'll show you." He grabs my hand, and the electric wave shoots up my arm, and I feel... Light, like a cloud. I practically float in the cave with Calvin as he hurries to find this thing he wants to show me.

We reach the back of the cave, and I'm in shock. It's an opening to the ocean, a pool of ocean water, sparkling in the light from the skylight. There's a sandy beach covered in beautiful shells, and the water is so blue.

"Wow... This, this is incredible! I've never seen anything like it." I am speechless. He grins at me, takes off his shirt, and runs to the pool. He jumps in without hesitation, and splashes water on me.

"Jump in!" he encourages.

No way am I getting in that, I think. "Uh, is it safe?"

"Huh? Yeah, sure it is! I'm touching the bottom of it right now! It's only at the edge of the cave where it gets deep. There's nothing to be afraid of!"

I look at the water, feeling a little antsy. "I don't really have a towel..."

"Awh, you don't need one! Are you chicken, Sunshine?"

Glaring at him, I walk to the edge of the pool. "Not chicken, just sensible. I'm not getting in."

"Fine, party pooper. Help me out then." He reaches out his hand, and I take it to help him out. He grins devilishly at me, and I realize I made the biggest mistake. He pulls me in, and the cold water encloses around me. I flop to the surface, splashing and aiming for his head.

"You tricked me! I was going to help you, and you tricked me!" I gasp, flinging my eyes open. My legs are too short, and I can't touch the bottom. "I can't even touch the bottom, you butthead!"

He's laughing his head off, and he pulls me close to him, "You're fine. I won't let you drown. Who knew that Bristly Brenda was afraid of water?"

"Sammy told you I was a Bristly Brenda?" I growl. "And I'm not afraid of water. Just unknown waters."

"The ocean is filled with unknown waters. You'll never experience the fun of the sea if you're worried about it." He looks me in the eyes. "You know, you have the prettiest sea colored eyes I've ever seen."

My breath is caught in my throat, and I feel extremely insecure. "Uhm, thanks." I debate on pushing him away. This is happening really fast, and its all starting to scare me. Images of Kyle splashing water at me, smiling, and reaching for me flash before my eyes, and I swim to the edge of the pool.

"Where are you going?" Calvin questions. "Did I say something wrong?"

"Uh, no. You didn't. I just have to get home, or my parents will wonder where I'm at."

"Do you want me to walk you back?"

"No thanks, I can do it. Thanks for showing me this place. Its... beyond description." I leave the cave, leaving Calvin to wonder about what happened. I wasn't lying, he didn't do anything wrong. I just can't let another heartbreak happen again. My heart's way too willing to latch on to Calvin, and Calvin... He's dangerous. Not scary dangerous. Dangerous as in, he's the kind of boy I could fall in love with. And the last time I did that, it left a huge, gaping hole, right in the middle of me.

:)                                                 :)

A cold gust of air wakes me from sleep, and I'm grumbling at myself for leaving my window open earlier. I had just gotten to sleep, and now its probably not going to happen again. I sigh angrily, and throw myself back on my bed. Why, why did I let Calvin into my life? The consequences of that are not a moment of peace, a yearning heart, and a self punishment. I will not talk to him.

Sammy had called earlier, saying Calvin showed up dripping wet to Crazy Tim's Crab Shack, looking disgruntled. She accused me of being afraid, and I told her I was done being called a chicken for one night. Of course, she didn't understand, but I didn't want to talk. I don't want to talk. I'm so mad at myself for allowing my heart to think of the possibility, the romance that could happen. The thing is, I'm done with being the girl who's a sucker for romance. It's nothing but trouble.

I look at my alarm, and sigh. Its three in the morning, and I've only slept like, one hour. It starts to rain, and I get back under the covers. Closing my eyes, I see Calvin's incredible smile, and the way he looked at me in the cave. "You have the prettiest sea colored eyes I've ever seen", keeps ringing in my ears. It makes my heart pull at the entire memory, but I tell it to chill. He probably showed that place to all the other girls in town, keeping his options open, just like Kyle. Just like Kyle, my brain says. Can't trust him. He has the same qualities Kyle did.

My heart yells at my brain, saying that Calvin is sweet, and chose me.

Stupid heart. Stupid brain. If I could, I would just escape myself right now. I cannot figure out exactly what it is I want. How bad could it really end up if I just saw him for a while? I wouldn't let it get too serious, and if it started to, I'd cut it off. But then again, what if I'm not strong enough to?

Forever Yours, Sunshine.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora