Possession of the Alpha (Luna)

Start from the beginning

"Josh the pack meeting is in two minutes" she hissed,grabbing her shirt and putting that on also. My eyes widened and I seconded her motion "shit!" I exclaimed pouncing off the bed and grabbing my Calvins which were halfway under the bed. Hazel was dressed but her hair was matted at the back from......well you know. She grabbed a brush and did what she could until she just shoved it up in a messy bun. Her makeup was still flawless....don't ask me how we were both sweating buckets. She looked as beautiful as she always did,no one would be able to tell as she looked as fresh as this morning. I was now dressed, i didn't need to do anything with my hair I was never on bottom so scruff was no problem for me.

"Do I look okay?" She asked,concern being the only obvious emotion on her face. She straightened her shirt with her hands and bit her lip. God my mate was so unbelievably sexy. I nodded slowly and brushed a stand of hair from her face. "Beautiful" I whisper kissing her cheek lightly. I take her hand in mine and look at her again "okay ,time to meet the pack"

She sighed and nodded at me,following me reluctantly to the elevator. The wait to the bottom floor was torture,Hazel was so scared. I understood why,being introduced as Luna was a big thing. She would be my second in command,well except from my Beta,Sam. Although I would take Hazels word over Sams any day,I know it sounds bad but she is my mate.


The doors to the second floor open and Stacey tottles in,avoiding Hazels gaze. Hazel let out a low growl so I pulled her into my body and kissed the top of her head. I couldn't help the smirk that appeared on my face,memories from her jealousy attack on Stacey the other day flooding back. I don't know what i ever saw in Stacey through,she was cheap,fake and a right bitch! I grimaced at words I said the last time I had slept with her "you'll always be my favourite baby" ugh why did I ever say that! She's repulsive!

Stacey shivered and practically lept out the elevator before the doors were even fully open. Jeez Hazel really scared the crap out of her!

Hazel grimaced "ugh I can't stand her" she hissed,holding my hand a little tighter and letting me lead her from the elevator and into the pack room. I turned her to face me before me entered.

"You will be fine,I promise. It's your destiny to be Luna of this pack and you will be the best one possible" I placed both my hands on her shoulders and gazed into her golden eyes lovingly. She breathed in my scent,letting it surround her. She closed her eyes and parted her lips slightly,I took this opportunity to peck her. Her eyes sprang open again and she smiled appreciatively.

"Thankyou,I needed that" she said nodding,trying to wrap her head around the idea of being partly in control of a pack. She nodded again "okay,I'm ready" I squeezed her hand and opened the big oak doors exposing the meeting room. The large hall had rows and rows of wooden chairs which were all weighed down with pack members,all watching the stage expectantly. I led Hazel down the clearing and every head whipped to us in awe.

I was used to this,as I'd been alpha for over a year now but Hazel looked very intimidated. I squeezed her hand again and her breathing calmed down abit. We reached the steps and I led her up slowly,I seriously feared that she might fall over she was so scared. We took the last steps leaving us standing in front of the 220 werewolves that occupied the house,some smiled reassuringly,some stared blankly and some of the girls narrowed there eyes at Hazel in envy.

Yeah probably slept with most of them. Yup Hazel would probably be hearing from them very soon. I cleared my throat just to make sure everyone was listening,then started.

"Thank you,everyone for coming here today after we had to reschedule. I know it may be short notice for some of you but we appreciate you coming all the same. I'd like to introduce to you Hazel Jones, my mate and your Luna. She will be accepting the role and all it's responsibilities from today,so please show her all the respect that she deserves. Now for the usual business..."

Hazels P.O.V

I took a deep breath as I realised I was now officially Luna of The Blue Crescent Pack. I had never in a million years thought I would be a Luna,although I never thought I'd be mates with an alpha either so there you go! I looked over to Josh and let the proud smile that was bubbling up in me slide onto my face. He was so different in front of his pack,so father like,responsible,loving. The transformation was incredible,he was so humorous and cheeky but when it was needed he took control. I was proud of him,his pack clearly loved him and so did I,I turned my head to look upon the faces of my pack.So gentle,respectful and.......envious? I met the gazes of some very pissed of girls,staring daggers at me. There gazes shot between me and Josh but varied as quickly as the direction,when they stared at Josh it was with longing but me it was with.....well an overwhelming urge to slap me.

I put the pieces together very quickly,my emotions changing from proud to suspicious.

Josh had some explaining to do.

A.N/Sorry for the late update,I will soon be adding an interesting event! I know it's boring waiting but I've got some serious writers block,I'm on the verge of something but have to build up to it. I really appreciate your patience thank you,your votes seriously mean so much to me!

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