Your First Date

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Altair- He took you to a fancy restaurant and picked up the tab. Afterwords, you both admired the stars from his apartment balcony.

Ezio- He took you shopping and bought you everything that you said you liked, no matter the cost. It both frustrated you and made you smile.

Desmond- He took you to a nice restaurant and later you went to get frozen yogurt. He ended up spilling yogurt on you and apologizing for the rest of the night.

Edward- You both went to the carnival and he won you a huge stuffed dolphin. You then held hands while walking down the sea shore.

Conner- You went to the Renaissance fair (You found out he was a super-mega-nerd just like you) and you laughed when he was challenge to a duel by several little kids. He bought you a necklace with a crystal hanging from the chain.

Arno- You stayed at his house and he cooked for you. When you finished your meal, you both sipped glasses of wine while watching a terribly cheesy romance movie.

Jacob- You went to aquarium and goofed around, making fish faces at each other. He also had the cutest face when he saw the otters. Gosh! He was adorable!

A/N- Okay then. Another chapter done! I'm just really inspired today to do nice little imagines so that's what I'm doing. Not sure how many I'll be writing today!


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