Chapter 18:The other shoe drops

Start from the beginning

She turned her head back to glare at him as she kept walking. She could see a confident smirk plastered on his face with nothing but mischief in his eyes. She just turned her head back and walked out closing the door behind her. "God that reaper will be the death of me one day." She said as she leaned on the door a little. Suddenly she heard scratching on the door behind her. In her flustered state she had forgotten about Anubis being in there. "Sorry baby boy but Adrian can let you out when he's done." With that she walked out to the kitchen and began cooking.

As she began cooking she hummed to herself the song the fairies had been dancing to. She began swaying along again as she danced around the kitchen cooking. As she began to twirl around she was suddenly taken into Adrian's arms as they danced along to her humming. She laughed and smiled as he danced there with her in the kitchen. Adrian began singing the song as he twirled her around the floor.

She was entranced by his voice, his voice sounded beautiful; and his dancing was like they were floating on air. She stared up at him smiling as his voice filled the room. When the song came to an end, he spun her around so her back was against his chest. He then dipped her slightly as he kissed her. He helped her straighten out as she spun back around. "I didn't know you could dance and sing like that." She said smiling at him as she wrapped her arms around him.

He wrapped his arms around her as well, "Of course I can little one, I have lived over five thousand years after all. I should at least have mastered dancing by now." He said giving a chuckle. She smacked him lightly on the chest as she moved away from him. "You certainly have mastered being a smartass." She said with a smile on her face as she began to walk back towards the room. Before she could go far however, Anubis trotted in front of her and began nuzzling her back towards the table. "Anubis sweetie what are you doing?" She said as he kept pushing her back.

Suddenly she heard someone coming up the stairs and turned her head to look. The first thing she saw was a mass of red hair bobbing up and down. She began to have a bright smile spread across her face as Christian came up onto the landing and looked at both of them. She smiled at him as she then rushed over to him and tackled him in a hug. "Gingy I missed you!" She yelled out as she fell back against the wall with him. He let out a shriek as they fell back landing against the wall causing him to slide down.

Ariel continued to hug him through all of this and looked up at him still smiling brightly. He began to laugh as he hugged her back, "I missed you too you annoying little sister. Where is my other little sister? I figured she would be up here since she wasn't down stairs." Adrian stepped up to them and knelt down trying to pull Ariel away from him. She pushed her shoulder back at him and cuddled closer to Christian. "Back off I haven't gotten to see gingy in almost a month and I sleep with you every night." She felt Christian stiffen up under her as her words. She looked up at him to see him staring straight at Adrian.

Adrian gave a sigh as he pulled her away from him and stood her up. "What do you mean you two sleep together every night? I haven't even been gone for a month and you're already sleeping together?!"Christian began freaking out at Adrian as he stood up. Ariel then stepped in front of Adrian at that point and put her hand on Christian's chest pushing him back slightly. "Listen gingy you've been gone for a while and have missed a lot and I do mean a lot. I'm going to go get dressed while Adrian here will fill you in I'm sure. If you want to eat I just finished cooking breakfast. I'll be out in a few minutes, try not to kill him please gingy."

The whole time Christian's mouth was hanging open as he listened to Ariel speak. After she was done she turned around and began heading back to her and Adrian's room to change. "You actually live in his room now?! What in the hell did I miss Adrian that she is in the same room as you!?" She could hear Christian yelling from behind her. She gave a sigh as she walked in and closed the door. After a few seconds she could hear Adrian getting him to calm down enough so he could tell him everything that had happened since he had gone.

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