Lab Assistant? (Bruce x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Bruce and I will talk it over really quickly, we will be back." Tony said. They both got up and left.

Bruce's POV

Tony and I walked out of the conference room to talk about our interview with (Y/N).

"I think she would be a fantastic lab assistant." Tony said.

"She would, but I think she deserves more. There is a job opening at SHIELD for another scientist. She would still work with us, but instead of as an assistant, she would be a partner." I said.

"I agree. She is super smart, and she would be a big asset to the team." Tony said.

"She is, she was always ready to help, and she always answered questions when she was in my class." I said.

"Are you going to call Director Fury?" Tony asked me.

"Yeah, I'll do that now." I said taking out my phone. I dialed Fury's number and waited for him to answer.

"Director Fury." He answered.

"Fury, it's Bruce. I found the perfect person for the opening for the new scientist." I said.

"Really? Tell me about them." He said.

"She only came in to be a lab assistant but she has all of the qualifications and would be perfect. She has a Doctoral degree in biochemistry and molecular biology, as well as a Masters degree in chemical engineering. She graduated at the top of her class, and she has many letters of recommendation and a lot of lab experience with all the internships she has done." I told him.

"She sounds perfect. When can she start?" Fury asked me.

"I think as soon as possible." I told him.

"Ok then, let her know she's got the job." Fury said hanging up.

I walked back in the conference room and saw Tony hitting on (Y/N). It made me mad. Over the few years I got to know (Y/N), I started to develop feelings for her.

"(Y/N), I have great news." I said smiling.

"What is it?" She asked confused.

"Well, I spoke with my boss, and he wants you for the job as a new SHIELD scientist." I smiled at her.

Reader's POV

"Well, I spoke with my boss, and he wants you for the job as a new SHIELD scientist." Bruce smiled at me.

"Wait? As an actual scientist?!" I asked shocked.

"Yes. You will get to work with Tony and I, but you would be our partner instead of our assistant." He told me.

"Oh my gosh! Thank you!" I said and I hugged him. I realized that it was probably the wrong thing to do, so I started to pull away, but he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back.

"No problem. You deserve it." He said to me as we pulled back from the hug. We looked each other in the eyes and just stood there silent. I remembered how I had a huge crush on him in college and my time as his intern. I still have a crush on him. He's super sweet and he is attractive. I noticed he was leaning in slightly. I leaned in as well and our lips met. Our lips started moving together and I wrapped my arms around his neck, as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him deepening the kiss.

I felt his tongue graze my bottom lip asking for entrance. I opened my mouth slightly and I felt his tongue start to roam around my mouth. We pulled away because we needed air and we were breathing heavily for a minute.

"I'm still here love birds." Tony said causing me and Bruce to laugh.

"I didn't know you felt the same way about me." I said blushing.

"I've liked you since the first day I met you." Bruce said causing me to blush more.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. You're beautiful, smart, outgoing, funny, and so much more." He said.

"You're not so bad yourself." I said.

"(Y/N), will you go on a date with me?" Bruce asked a little nervously.

"Of course. Why so nervous?" I teased.

"You could still say no. I mean sometimes kisses don't mean everything." He said. I kissed him again.

"There is no way that I would say no to you." I smiled at him.

"Good." He smiled at me.

"Yay, you go Bruce. Finally getting some." Tony teased.

"Shut up Tony." Bruce said. I noticed green in his eyes.

"Bruce look at me." I said. He turned towards me a little bit of green in his eyes. He turned towards me and I smiled at him. I kissed his cheek and looked at him again. I noticed his eyes go back to their normal color.

"Thanks (Y/N)." Bruce said looking down embarrassed. I lifted his chin with my index finger.

"Don't be embarrassed Bruce. I'll have to teach Tony to shut that big mouth of his unless he wants to release the Hulk." I said looking over at Tony. His hands shot up in self defense.

"Hey, I was only speaking the truth." He said causing me to giggle. I looked at Bruce and he was smiling at me. I finally got a date with my long time crush! I have to tell (Y/BFF/N) about this!
I hope you guys like this! Please leave feedback it will help me improve! I tried my best to make sure there were no mistakes, if there are any please let me know, just be polite about it :). I can't wait to post the next Tony x Reader one I'm super excited, I just need to post a Steve x Reader one shot. I should post both tomorrow some time. You guys are amazing!


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