"I was on my way to meet my friends in the library."

"Let's go then."

Once you arrived there, Oikawa parted with you with a little wave and went on his way to class. Once you found your friends and settled down at the table with them, you began to tell them about the reason for your delay. The news troubled Ritsuka, while Junkou became up in arms over it.

"It's okay though, Tooru-senpai came to my rescue just in time. I was lucky that he had class at this time and came through the same way as me."

"That guy had better not hope he runs into you again while I'm around. I'll make sure to repay him what deserves." She clenched her fists and kissed either on the knuckle.

To this, you laughed. "Junkou-chan, you're an enthusiastic bodyguard, aren't you?"

"Like hell I'll let anyone make a pass on you." Junkou grabbed at your cheek and pulled on it. "You've gotta reserve all that cuteness for us and us alone. Nobody else you hear me?" She released you and snatched you up into her arms.

Suddenly, you received a notification. As you pressed your phone awake, you saw the notification from Instagram telling you that "Hajime" has posted for the first time in a while. You unlocked your phone and went straight to it to see what it was that he had posted after all this time.

The caption to his post said: Coffee break before the next class☕. The little emoji made you smile. You didn't peg him for the type to use any emojis past the basics. Above that though, was a picture of his vein-ridden hand, holding onto the large teacup of coffee. Floating on top of it was a cute frog made of cream.

You double-tapped the post. "Whoa..." For a while longer, you starred at it, taking it in, before leaving behind a comment. In it, you wrote: That's so cute.

You then pressed your phone off to go back to the conversation, only then to be pinged once more. You turned it on and this time it was him liking your comment.

"An ice cream sandwich is better than a vanilla cone any day," Ritsuka said.

"Are you crazy?" Junkou said. "You get the best of both worlds with a cone. There's the ice cream itself, and then you have the cone. You can't beat the cone! And not to mention the option of chocolate or rainbow sprinkles."

"Hush up," He flicked his thumb upward on the screen of his phone. "We're in the library, y'know."

"Oh, my bad." Junkou then turned to you. "(Y/n)-chan," she squinted. "Which do you think is better? A vanilla cone or a boring ice cream sandwich."

"Hmm..." You put a finger on your chin and looked upward. "Well, I personally really like both types. But if I had to give my vote to one over the other...it definitely has to be the ice cream sandwich."

"Yay~" Ritsuka celebrated with a weak fist bump in the air and half a smile.

"Screw you," she flipped him off.

Just then your phone started to buzz and vibrate along the surface of the table. When you glanced down, you found the caller to be Iwaizumi. "Eh? He's calling?"

"Who is?" Junkou smooshed her cheek against your shoulder to take a peep of her own.

"Iwaizumi-senpai." You glanced at her out the corner of your eye.

"Who's that?" She raised a brow.

"Don't you remember? He's the upperclassman that walked into class with Tooru-senpai the other day."

"Ahh," She hit her fist on her open palm. "That guy. So you exchanged numbers, huh?"

"Mm. A few days after the little get together." You slid over the green icon and held the phone up to your ear. "Hello?" You answered. "I didn't expect you to call me."

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