Chapter 1

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Hey there! Bad me couldnt wait again... So here is the first chapter already! I plan on finish writing it the coming week and then will start posting it regulary :) So far it has five chapters, but its still growing ;)

Please comment how you like it so far! *Very important right now*

See ya, Zoe xx

Taylor sighed in content, and looked down on his sleeping mate. Ninhe lied curled up hidden under a large blanket on his legs in the backseat of the car. He softly stroke over the place, where her head was hidden under the blanket. They had to shut her out like this, after she almost flipped from the sound of the cars engines starting.

Although how could hold this against her? She was caged into a cellar for almost four years, without much contacts to other people. She had shut out everything, while waiting for her dead. He still couldn’t believe what had happened the last two days.

Taylor let his eyes wander through the car, since outside was the pitch black night denying the sight. Leon was driving, and his father sat on the passenger’s seat, leaving the whole back part to them. The pack warriors that were with them, had switched into other cars and were driving in front or behind them.

After arriving at the car, they had instantly collected the other pack members that still were in the area looking for Taylor and went back to their territory. Since Taylor’s dad already send the rest of the pack home for safety, while Taylor was gone. Nobody wanted to stay only one second longer in range of that rogue pack.

He caught his father Sean’s hundred glance on them and chuckled. The man was grinning like a school kid who got candy. Well he had reasons. He got his son back, plus his son found his other half. But as much as Taylor was amused about his happy face, he could also see the worry in the man’s eyes that made the wrinkles around his eyes visible.

“What’s up father?” Taylor asked lowly, so he wouldn’t disturb Ninhe in her much needed sleep.

“I’m just worried about your little treasure she don’t look good and she reacted to the car, as if it’s a monster.” His father mused, lowly and thoughtful without turning to them.

Taylor sighed, he don’t want to tell them her story here in the car, but he also don’t want his father to worry more.

“Ninhe was held captive by this pack for four and a half year.” Taylor started and both heads flipped around staring at him.

“Leon eyes on the road!” Taylor growled and Leon turned around panicked, like he was going to drive into a house, while not even drifting a little. He breathed in relieved when he noticed this, before turning serious again, but staring on the road in front of them.

“Why did they held her captive for so long only to kill her today?” His father mused, rubbing his chin.

“She was protected by a spell from her mother.” Taylor informed them and then continued to tell them everything he had found out about her.

He told them, how her family was murdered and she was kidnapped years ago, when they were on the way to have dinner somewhere. Her father and brothers had stalled them and send her with her mother home. Sadly there was already the rogue’s boss waiting for them, to kill them off. He killed her mother, but couldn’t kill her since she was protected through a spell. He told them also about his guess that they only treated her so well, so they have something in their hands in case somebody went after them and since she now turned seventeen and the spell broke, they could get rid of her and her body, so no evidence was left.

After telling them everything the car became eerily quiet. Taylor didn’t care about this right now a lot. The only things on his mind were getting Ninhe home and checked out by a doctor, if she was alright. He snatched a look on the Navigator and felt relieved that there was only another twenty minutes left of their six hour long drive.

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