Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.

Ed scooped me up in his arms and carried me up the stairs to his bedroom. He carefully flicked on the switch and placed me on his bed. He walked out turning right into his washroom. I could hear the water running, and I thought this might be my chance. I climbed out of the giant bed, and opened the top drawer of his dresser, looking for a shirt. After finding a suitable one, I slipped it on over my head, pulling my other one down. My hair was tossled into a messy bun, and with that, I sat on the edge of the bed. My mind was racing, a million thoughts at once. Does he only want to get it in, and call a cab? I instantly wished I hadn't come here, and never met him.  My worried thoughts were disrupted by Ed. "Are you alright? You look sick to your stomach." he called out, staring at me. "Yeah, I just.." I replied, my voice getting softer as my sentence continued. "You..?" he asked again. I was silent. "Are those my clothes?" Ed questioned, looking at me with a confused expression. My lips curled into my mouth to hide my smile. "So Devon, do you want to get started with th-" "Ed." "Yes?" "Can we... not have sex?" Ed's jaw dropped to the floor. "Sex?" he said, baffled. "I was talking about showing you my guitars." he said, still puzzled. A sigh of relief fell over me. Shit. "Oh," I replied. "right, the guitars." "Is that what this is about? Sex? You actually thought I'd brought you home like some hooker?" My head bowed to the floor, loose strands of hair falling over my red hot cheeks. "Devon, we just met."

                "I-I know, but I thought-" "Devon, if there's anything you should know about me, it's that I'm not like that. Now c'mon. Bedtime." he commanded, pulling back the sheets. I stood, ready to walk out when Ed's voice stopped me. "Where are you going?" I stopped dead in my tracks, motionless and irresponsive for seconds, until snapping back into reality. "I-I- I thought you said-" "I said bedtime. Not go-home-time." He reached for my wrist and pulled back, making me fall on top of his covered body. "Ed!" I cried, springing up and laughing. I got in the empty side of the bed and laid down, only to sit up once more. I noticed the tall glass of water sitting on the nightstand next to Ed's side of the bed. I looked over to Ed, who had just barely fallen asleep. My lips curled into my mouth as I slowly leaned over Ed's quiet body to reach for the glass. My arm extended and gripped around it as I brought my mouth toward the cup. I sipped swiftly and awkwardly, not wanting to wake him. I tried to drink quickly and get it over with, when I choked up and swallowed roughly. I spit some water out and cupped my mouth. It landed on Ed's limb, the dampness making him wake. My figure froze, and Ed sat up, his position being disrupted by my chest area, specifically my thinly-covered breasts. I drew myself back to my sleeping position, and hid under the covers. I could hear Ed chuckling from outside the sheets. "Well, I've never been woken up like that before." I flustered, squeezing my eyes shut. "Devon, come out, please." "No" "Why not?" "You just put your face in my boobs, Ed. Like, what the fuck." Ed laughed again, pulling the covers from above my frigid body. "I'll be honest." he whispered. I began to return to my original sleeping position as Ed spoke. "They were soft." "Oh. My. Goddd." I mumbled, turning the other way. Ed laughed one last time and we both drifted off to sleep.

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