chapter II

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Just who in their right mind would break into a person's dormitory to use the washroom? Nobody would. Expect for Hanji. Aviator pilot Hanji who decided it was alright to just walk into a room without permission and create a large and unpleasant mess in the bathroom while she was at it. That's right she was an aviator. He knew this because though they were complete strangers to one another they've occasionally met from time to time passing along the corridors.

This lady was completely insane. Levi thought as he leaned into the doorway watching her every move as she grasped the sponge in her hand and disinfectant in the other. Lifting her hand to clean the very arid areas that were covered in her vomit. She attempted to scrub it up.

She clearly doing it wrong and he of all people would know that. Cleaning was a tedious and time consuming task but if done right the task at hand could be a lot more easier properly handled. The raven haired male scowled at her scrubbing. Beginning to contemplate if he should just clean it up on his own than let "Hanji" clean it up for him. the raven haired male argued. With a scoff of annoyance. Hanji sprung up from where she was cleaning. He was clearly annoyed. Her head turned to meet with his eyes. A piercing look of disapproval met with her confused state.

"What..?" she questioned as he glared at her with great disapproval.
"Is there something I'm doing wrong?" She questioned.

It was clearly obvious of what she was doing. He gazed at the sponge and the mess in the bathroom completely fixated on getting the job done right.

They continued to sit there in silence. As his words escaped his mouth snatching the sponge from her.
"Give that to me you idiot." He said. Kneeling to his knees. Her unskilled stature of cleaning couldn't be tolerated. He took the spray bottle from her hands and he began to spray followed by vigorous arm movements to properly clean off the bathroom toilet. "You obviously can't clean for your life-" he scowled continuing to clean.

Relieved of her duties she crawled through the threshold with little strength she had left and was abruptly stopped by his haunting manner.

"Don't you fucking dare go
anywhere." He stated with a firm voice. Groaning she leaned towards the threshold with a throbbing pain in her head as she watched the man vigorously clean the bathroom.

He muttered continuing to clean; "Your going to wait right there until this place is completely ridden of your filth."

His incoherent words filled her mind as she continued to sit there. Processing the words she knew that the statement itself didn't make any sense whatsoever. The statement itself was completely contradictory. As he mentioned. He was telling her to stay there inside the bathroom yet he was cleaning all of her filth. He told he that she was to stay there until he was finished eliminating the filth but the cause of the filth was the person itself all along. She wanted to open her mouth and explain it to him but she didn't have the strength to.

Wearily gazing at him. He was cleaning. Silently, though she could feel his cold gaze and his anger towards her expanding.

He muttered yet another word that came through ringing ears, "What is a stupid four eyes like this doing here... trespassing. Breaking and entering. And three days of this too..." he said.

The words that he said gone through one ear and came out after the other.
Although none of the words that he muttered had made sense. The translation came out clearly for Hanji even as she sat there in complete euphoria.

She understood his intentions.he was mad. But it didn't make sense to her. At first. Though it only took over three minutes to clearly understand his dialogue.

He was upset about the fact that she entered and broke into his dormitory. Creating a mess to clean up. Even though he had three days of a break he still didn't get one because of all the messes this man had to clean.

Smirking she found it quite unnecessary to clean up every single inch of this dormitory if he was only going to be sleeping there.

Placing down the sponge after what seemed like forever he turned towards the phased Hanji. She laid there limp as she stared off into the distance. She want listening to any kind of word that he was repeating or saying. All the methods techniques and attempts; were useless.

Another loud crash was heard. This time it was the sound of Hanji creating physical contact with the dormitory just across from his. A loud bang was heard.

He leaned in from the door and listened in on Hanji. He wants to make sure he didn't just kill her as he threw her out of the room. From the other side he heard a groan. It came from Hanji.. "she's still alive." He thought quickly locking his door so that no other trespassers could enter. He made his way towards the balcony where he heard slight calling.

"Hey! Levi! Was it?" Hanji called to him. Though this of course didn't cause him to answer. After all, he took an extreme dislike towards this individual from then on.

"Thank you for letting me use your washroom!" She yelled. Her voice growing more distant as she spoke.

"It as nice meeting you!!" She said.

With no reply he scoffed and made his way towards the balcony locking it tightly.

"Tch, fucking intruder."

"Make sure you never come back."

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