One More Timelord .4.

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"Where are your brains," I rolled my eyes, as Clara glared at me. "I mean, do I look like a male to you? I'm a Timelady." I stated. She looked somewhat guilty, as she mouthed 'sorry' to me. I nodded, excepting her apology.

"But there is one more," I stated, turning to the doctor once more.

"The master." I smirked

"Dead." The doctor answered quickly.

"Are you so sure," I raised an eyebrow, and smiled a little. "The master was known for tricking people." I added.

"I should go." I stated, after a few seconds of complete silence.

"Come with me. Travel with Clara and I." The doctor pleaded. I looked into his eyes, and saw desperation.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Tresalore. It's coming soon. But don't worry, I'll be there for you're final moments." I spoke, taking his hand in mine for a few moments, then letting go.

"I always wondered why you hated endings." I stated.

"It's because sand shoes never wanted to go." I added, as I walked to the door way. I turned back to see the doctor, with tears down his cheeks, and Clara, standing next to him.

"Goodbye Doctor, Clara. See you at Trensalore." I smiled before walking away.

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