I've Just Seen A Face (McLennon) part 6

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Part six


Paul and John met at the park at two o'clock on the dot. Both men were happy to see each other. They talked for hours, they laughed, they smiled, they kissed and they loved. It didn't take much or long for them to become one. All they needed was each other. They were meant for each other.

When they were together nothing else in the world made sense, nothing else mattered. That night in the pub at 9:57pm changed these two lads forever. For years to come neither Paul nor John will forget the time or place where they first met, they let all the world know they were happy together. If that day never had came there is no telling where they would be now. They're happy for it. Later on Paul replaced stu in john's band and Pete was kicked out and replaced with a young lad named Ringo. They called themselves the Beatles. They made it big in many countries. Paul and John eventually got married and adopted two children named Julian and Mary.

They lived long and happy lives.



Sorry it was so short. Hope you liked it anyway! Thanks for reading!

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