I've Just Seen A Face (McLennon) part 4

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Part four


John's point of view:

Today it's the next day and I'm suppose to see Paul today. I've been sitting by the phone waiting for him to call me... Maybe I should call him but, I don't want to sound desperate for him. I'm beginning to think that maybe last night, maybe that kiss, maybe that man who grabbed my hand so gently, was meaningless. Then suddenly the phone rings and I jumped. The phone was ringing, my heart is racing, I'm hoping it's Paul. I grabbed the phone anxiously and answered.


" Is this John?" Paul said in his deep, familiar, soothing voice.

I sighed in happiness and answered happily

"Yes, this is John."

I had a huge smile on my face. It was hard for me to talk with him. I didn't know how amazing it could feel just to talk to someone you didn't even know.

"Ellow, John. I was thinking, would u like to go out to the park today?" Paul asked sweetly.

I quickly replied

"Yes, I'd love to!"

"Great, I'll meet you there at two o'clock then" Paul informed.

"Okay, I'll see you then, Paul." I was smiling while I talked.

"Alright, good bye, lad." Paul ended the call.

I was so happy to hear that. I had to hurry and find something to wear.

I rushed in to my room and whipped open my wardrobe. I tossed all of my clothes on my bed and threw everything off that I didn't think was suitable for my date with Paul.

After a while I finally found something and put it on. I thought I looked pretty darn good. After I got dressed I sat by a clock and watched the time go by. I was excited to actually meet Paul and get to know him.


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