"Oui, of course." She lied and bit her lip to keep from crying.

"Please, don't start crying, and stop biting your lip. It's a nasty unladylike habit. Now, go and prepare for rehearsal." He hid his face in his hands, no longer having the courage to look at his upset daughter.

Before anything else could be said, Emelia rushed out of the room, slamming the door behind her. She ran to her dressing room only to begin crying. The violent sobs racked her body and she couldn't stop the tears from falling. Why had her father rejected the Angel of Music teaching her, he was so kind and gentle. He would never harm her.

Finally after twenty minutes of crying, Emmy wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks and began preparing for rehearsal.

Rehearsal that afternoon had been long and tiresome. It was going as usual, well, with a little bit of yelling from Carlotta, even though they were doing a dress rehearsal. Things seemed to be wrapping up quickly when the unthinkable happened.

Carlotta had been strutting around the stage, singing and shoving ballerinas out of her way, when the manager, Emelia's father walked out onto stage. He looked almost as though he was in some kind of trance. No one stopped, but Emelia watched with anger and curiosity as her father moved towards one of the trap doors.

Finally, everyone stopped and watched him. Carlotta was about to begin another yelling fit when everything went downhill. Out of nowhere the trap door opened and then closed again as quickly as it had opened.

Emelia watched in horror as her father's legs and lower torso got caught in the closed trap door. That wasn't all, though. Everyone rushed to try and help him when one of the ropes up in the ceiling came loose and the bar holding the curtain came crashing down.

People scrambled to get off the stage and all Emmy could do was scream as it hit her father directly in the head. She tried to rush forward to help him, but Madame Giry grabbed her by the arms. She writhed and tried to free herself so she could help her father, but it was useless.

"Papa!" Emelia screamed at him, hoping he would be okay.

No response.

"Emelia, you mustn't go out there. The Phantom is angered you don't know if his wrath is finished or not." Madame Giry quickly covered her mouth having realized what she said.

"Phantom? What Phantom?" She gazed at Madame Giry, confused, through her tears.

"Never mind..." Suddenly a low moaning could be heard.

"Madame Giry, I found this lying on the ground!" One of the set builders came rushing up to Madame Giry with a note.

Swiftly, her gaze flew over the note, denying Emelia access to it. After a few moments she looked over at the manager and then at Emelia. Not even seconds later, Madame Giry rushed towards the manager, dropping the note behind her.

Picking it up, Emmy recognized instantly the all too familiar wax sealing of a skeleton, the one her Angel of Music used. She shuddered and her eyes widened in horror as she read it, realizing she had seen the handwriting before.

My Dear Manager,

I warned you and you denied my only simple request. You shall now pay for your actions, knowing that it was because you refused the direction of the Phantom of the Opera. I also do not appreciate you insulting my good friend, the Angel of Music, for he exists and denying it may very well result in disaster. That was your final warning, there shall be no negotiating a longer time period with me. In fact, I'm not sure you will have that long. Next time, heed my warning and do as instructed.

Deepest Apologies,


P.S. I expect box five to be empty during tomorrow night's performance, you would not want something to happen to anyone else, would you?

Tears poured harder down her cheeks as she stomped on the letter like it was a poisonous snake and ran over to her father. She held his head carefully in her lap, despite all the blood which covered his face and the back of his head. Everyone watched and whispered to one another as they all watched the scene take place. To Emelia, that's precisely what it felt like...a scene in a show.

"Everyone, you have a fifteen minute break. I don't want to see anyone out here. Pedro, go to the hospital and bring a doctor, tell them to bring a carriage, they will need to transport him." Madame Giry was so calm it frightened the already crying girl even more.

After a while of sitting, the sounds of footsteps flooded her ears and she couldn't help but cry harder and hold onto her father a little bit tighter.

When she finally looked up she saw more than a doctor. Police and firemen had come as well as a few doctors. One of them walked over and was about to speak to Emelia when Madame Giry pulled her away.

"My dear child, let them do their jobs. You must come now, if you stay like that any longer blood will surely stain your costume." With that she was whisked away by the Madame and found that they had gone to the lounge for the performers.

As soon as they entered the room everyone stopped and stared at the two ladies before them. Emelia was still crying and Madame Giry did her best to try and calm her. Finally she rushed the girl into her dressing room then walked back out to speak with the performers.

"Vell, is de manager okay or no? If 'e is not okay, zen zere is no zis!" Carlotta began another fit.

"Please, everyone calm down. I'm sure our dear manager shall be fine...Meanwhile, you all are free to leave, the rest of rehearsal is cancelled. Just because rehearsal is cancelled does not mean there will be no show tomorrow, though. I want to see you all here, ready to perform, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Dismissed!" With that everyone departed and Madame Giry returned to the doctors, police, and firemen who were helping the poor child's father.

It's Just Begun, The Music Of The NightWhere stories live. Discover now