Save You Tonight (Punk! Louis and Marcel)

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                “I hate this class” I think to myself as I impatiently wait for the teacher to hand back our tests. She puts mine face down on my desk as she clicks her tongue and says, “We need to talk after class.” I flip it over and roll my eyes. 58%. Whatever. Who needs calculus, anyways? I’m going to be a musician, not a mathematician. She finishes handing out the graded tests as the bell rings. I grab my things and try to make my way out of the door when I hear “Not so fast, Mr. Tomlinson.” I sigh and walk back to Mrs. Teasdale’s desk. “One more score like that and you probably won’t pass this class, Louis” she said, looking at me very seriously. As if I cared. So I didn’t pass a class, so what? “Sorry Mrs. T but I just don’t like calculus, I don’t get it and I don’t know why I need to know it” I respond. “Well you need to pass this class, Louis. And I think I know how to help. Marcel, come here for a second please.” I groan internally as I see the nerdy teacher’s pet walking towards me. “You wanted to see me?” he asks as he pushes his thick-rimmed glasses up his nose. “You’ve got straight A’s, Marcel. Perhaps you’d be interested in helping Mr. Tomlinson get his calculus grade up to par?” He glances over at me quickly before clearing his throat. “Oh.. uh um. Sure yeah no problem. Yeah fine. Okay” he rambles. His cheeks turn crimson red when he catches me smirking at him. “Perfect!” Mrs. Teasdale says, smiling. “You’ll be passing this class in no time.” “So erm.. uh when do you want to s-study?” he stammers. I sigh as I contemplate just telling him to forget it, that I don’t need the help. But I really don’t want to have to take this class again so I instead, I say “After school. Let’s just get this over with.” “Sure yeah erm. We could do it at my house. Study, I mean. We could study at my house. No one will be home so..” “That’s fine” I say, cutting him off. “Where do you live?” “You know that big house on Willowcrest Heights? The one with the fountain in the driveway?” he asks as he grabs his books from his desk. “You live there?!” I ask, astonished? That place was a mansion. “Y-yeah I do. You know how to get there, then?” he asks. “Yup. Four o’ clock work?” “Yeah sure okay. I’ll be there, just ring the bell” he says, nodding and scurrying off to his next class.

                The rest of the day seems to drag on forever. I don’t remember what I learned in any of my classes. Most of them are pointless electives, anyways. For some reason, I couldn’t stop thinking about how weird Marcel was acting around me. I mean, I know I’m not the friendliest person in the world, but I’m not scary or intimidating. Or at least I don’t think I am. But then again, Marcel is one of those kids who gets picked on all of the time. I don’t really see why people do that. Yes, he dresses weird and looks like a nerd. Yes, he’s a straight A student who always does his homework. Yes, he’s a teacher’s pet. But he’s always nice and never bothers anyone. To be honest, he barely even talks to anyone. People spread rumors about him all of the time, and he never says anything about them. He doesn’t acknowledge them at all. Not that I blame him. A few people have started rumors about me being a drug addict just because I have tattoos and piercings and listen to heavy metal music. When in reality, I don’t even smoke or drink, let alone do drugs. I really don’t care what people say, though. So why bother listening to what they say? Like my mum says, it is what it is.


                I take my time walking to my car after school is finally over. I have about forty minutes to kill before I’m supposed to be at Marcel’s, and it’s pointless for me to go home. I decide to go grab a coffee at the little shop across town. Not many kids from school go there, which is why I like it so much. I can just sit and read or listen to my music without having to hear guys talking about football or girls babbling on about what new eyeshadow color is in season. As soon as I get there, I order a medium red eye to go. I figure I’ll need all the caffeine I can get if I’m going to make it through an hour or two of calculus. I took my time driving there, though, so I’ll have to book it across town to get to Marcel’s by four.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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