The meaning of Angel

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1. A girl who can brighten up the worst day with only A smile!

2. A girl who can make life bearable only with the sound of her voice.

3. A girl who will go through so much, more than anyone else to show you that she loves you unconditionally.

4. The girl who you have come to love and cannot, would not, and will not let go no matter what life throws at you.

The name Angel says EVERYTHING! She will make you smile whenever you see her and makes your day whenever you are sad. She is so extremely sweet and helps people when they are in need especially when they are going through REALLY TOUGH TIMES. As sweet and wonderful she is, there is always a bad side to her. Angel can get REAL naughty when she wants and this is the girl you need if you like to get down and do ________.

( Sorry I HAD to delete that part! But I hope you understand what it means. *wink wink* )

She knows her ways! Anyway, you're lucky to have such a WONDERFUL GIRL! You will want to spend the rest of your life with her and she is the best you ever had!! CONGRATS TO YOU IF YOU GOT YOURSELF AN ANGEL! She is completely worth.

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