Chapter 1

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You make me feel like I'm living a teenage dream...

Stella's alarm blared its music at 6:30 in the morning. Stella slapped the button to stop the music.

"Ugh it's only 6:30. Why am I up so early?" she grumbled under her breath. Then she remembered that today was her first day of senior year! Her last first day of high school. She definitely had to make a good impression. Not only because she was well-known at school, but also because she had a boyfriend. The best boyfriend anyone could ever wish for. They had spent the entire summer together with their friends in LA, where Joe Lucas had asked her to be his girlfriend. Of course, Stella couldn't say no. They had been friends for as long as she could remember, and she knew that it was time to step their relationship up. Before, both Joe and Stella had been worried about dating because of what it would do to their friendship and the band that Joe was in. Over the summer, Joe couldn't keep his feelings to himself anymore and he decided it was time to make a commitment. Stella sat on her bed reminiscing every fond memory of LA when a knock at her door snapped her back into the present.

"Stella, honey? It's 6:40 and today's your first day of senior year. You don't want to be late," her mom, Carol said as she inched Stella's door open.

"I know, mom," Stella replied as she gathered her things to take a shower.

"I'm going down to make some breakfast. Any specific requests from my princess?" her mom asked sweetly. Carol had always called her only daughter a princess. No matter how old Stella was, her mother always treated her like a royal.

"After eating Aunt Lisa's pancakes for an entire summer, I know for a fact that I don't want pancakes," Stella said as she thought back to all the times her aunt had cooked her and her friends pancakes.

"How about some strawberry shortcake crepes?" Carol asked as her daughter grabbed her pink bathrobe.

"Sounds great! Thanks mom!" Stella replied as she kissed her mother on the cheek and went to take a shower.

After her shower, Stella slipped on her HMA uniform which consisted of a plaid skirt, a white blouse, and boots. Her hair was shorter than it used to be, so she decided to straighten it and add a headband. She carefully applied her makeup, then grabbed her backpack and flew down the stairs. She set her backpack in front of the door, and made her way into the kitchen.

"Stella!" squealed the three girls in unison.

"Macy? Nichole! Chelsea! Hi!" Stella replied confused.

"We wanted to come surprise you and your mom invited us in for breakfast. Couldn't turn down these delicious smelling crepes!" Chelsea replied as the girls took turns hugging Stella.

"How did you guys get here?" Stella asked as she sat down with the rest of the girls to begin their breakfast.

"Well, Nichole and Chelsea came to my house this morning and I asked my mom to drive us over here so we could all go to school together," Macy explained as she lifted a forkful of the sweet pastry into her mouth. "This is so good!" Macy garbled as she reached for the glass of milk that was placed in front of her.

"I'm glad you like it!" Carol said with a look of appreciation planted on her face as she left the kitchen to look for Stella's dad.

"How was your last weekend of summer?" Chelsea asked her friend as she grabbed a napkin and wiped her mouth.

"It was ok. I spent the entire weekend with my family like they asked me to."

"And she enjoyed every bit of it!" Stella's dad, Mark chimed in.

"Morning dad," Stella said as she turned around to accept her father's hug.

"Morning ladies! My, does it smell amazing in here!" Mark said as he smiled at his wife.

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