Chapter 22

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The Hole Was Already In The Wall &&' I already Slapped Chrestano

Chrestano :: You Just Fuckin Slapped Me .

Ki'loni :: Well Gtf Off Me &&' U Wouldnt Get Hit Get Out My House .

Chrestano :: After You Slapped Me You Want Me To Leave , Like Its No Problem . HUH . TALK NOW U SUPER QUIET .!

Ki'loni :: Chrestano Im Sorry , Dont Hit Me Plzz Dont .

Chrestano :: Thats Not Who I Am .! Ion Hit Females Dont Worry About That !

He Went Up To my Room &&' Knocked Down our Picture Off The Dresser , Snatched All The Pitcures Off The Wall , &&' Snatched The Necklace Off Her Neck &&' Thru it On The Floor . Now He Was breaking My Fav. Picture Of Us Playin Basketball

Ki'loni :: Chrestano No . Stop Plzz Stop . i Yelled As He Cracked The Frame &&' Glass .

Chrestano :: Im Done .!

Ki"loni :: (I Sat In The Coner &&' Cried .! ) Why Chrestano For Something So Little Thts Not Even Tru "

Chrestano :: Ion Care No More . We Aint Friends We Aint Lovers You Only The Blood Queen Of 7*9 blood Gang . You Shouldnt Be That , But I Respect That . Stay In Ya Coner Dont Cry To Long Yaa Eyes Gone Get Puffy &&' Thats Gone Make Youu Ugly.

Ki'loni :: You Think Its Funny &&' Time to Make Jokes .?

Chrestano :: Whoo Said It Was A Joke .

I Threw The Frame At ahim .! "Get Out.!" I Yelled .

Chrestano :: Ki'loni , Calm Down Chill , stop Chill .

I theew Alot Of Things At Him To Were He Grabbed My Hands &&' looked Me In The Eye.

Chrestano :: Chill , Calm Down No Need To Act a Fool . I Swear Cause If you Hit Me On More Time Ima Slap You . I Really Dont Wanna do That Cause im Not That Guy .

Ki'loni :: Ghet Your hands Off Of me .

Let Me Go .

He Let Me Go &&' I Slapped Him Hard . Hard Enough Were i Ledt a Bruise . He pushed Me On My bed &&' He Sheaded A Tear . I Could Tell He Wanted To Hit Me But He Didnt . He Stood Up &&' Walked Out . I Guess That Was The End Of Us . My Dad Came Home &&' Notice The mess That Was Made .

Derrick :: Ki'loni What In the Hell Happened. .

Ki'loni :: Me &&' Chrestano Had An Arguement &&' I Tried To Kill Him .

Derrick :: Ki'loni Babe , Wrong, Thing To Do Just Take The Time To Get Over Him If He Wasnt The One .

Ki'lloni :: You Right Daddy .!

I Canceled Going Out With Nenna Maybe Another Timee . I Laid In Bed &&' Sleept The Whole Week Only Time I Got Up Was To Shower I Cleaned Up My Room &&' Turned On The Tv . All I Did Was eat Eat Eat eat . My Mom Made It Back I Ran Jumped On Her &&' Gave Her A Big Hug .!

Ki'loni :: Omg Mommy I Miss Youu .

Kim :: I Miss Youu To Babe . Omg Youu Gettin Bigger . your Hips .! Omg Ur Getting Fat . Babe You Gotta Work Out .

Ki'loni :: I Supose To Every monday But I Havent Went Since Last Monday , I Got School Only On Saturday .

Kim :: why.?

ki'loni :: Cause i Needed Abreak Away From School So Ms. Fields Said I Can Come On Saturdays&&' Work.

Kim :: Okay . Well ima Go Start Dinner . Kay .

Once Dinner Was Done i Ate &&' Went Str8 To The Block Chrestano Waant There I Was Happy . I Seen Ray &&' We Talked &&' Had A Good laugh He Invited My To Perform With Them But I Turned It Down &&' Statted Ill Come Watch . I Left &&' Went To School The Next Day . I Was Doing Good . I Was Now On Track I Had Enough credits . I Worked Out &&' Was Healthy . My Booty Was Firm &&' Plum . I Looked Food &&' Most Of All I Gave Up Chrestano of Course I Still Loved Him But He wasnt The first Thing I Thought About.

The Night Of There Performance '.!

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