(2) His First Reaction

Start from the beginning

"What pack is she from?" Not that it mattered. She was my mate and a transfer of packs was easy enough to do. She was mine and I was going to have her in my pack if it was the last thing I ever did. She was the future Luna of this pack and I couldn't wait for her to take that title. I had been waiting my whole life for her and she was finally here.

"Well that's the thing." My mother was getting even more nervous as the seconds drug on. She looked to my father for help. He looked like he wanted to do anything but help but finally decided to speak up.

"She isn't from a pack son." I almost hadn't caught what he had said because I was trying my hardest to hold back my exciting news from them.

"Oh, okay. So what is she a rouge then?" If she was a rouge it would make the whole transferring of packs ceremony that much easier. I would not have to ask her Alpha for permission and I would be able to perform the ritual tonight. I could barely hold back my excitement and my father spoke again.

"No son. She is not like us. She is a human." He spat the word human out with disgust. Humans were a disgusting race that wanted to get ride of our existence. There was no way that my beautiful mate was a human. I would have none the moment I laid eyes on her. He had to be joking.

"What do you mean a human?" She was mine. There was no way in hell that she was a human.

"Well that's what she is Liam, only a human." My mother could barely talk as she tried to explain the situation to me. That explained why my mate had not reacted when I was ready to fight. Instantly she became disgusting to me. I did not want her, I would reject her the next time I saw her. I was not going to be an Alpha with a human mate. Wolves that accepted humans as their mates were pathetic. I was an Alpha, there was no space in my life for a weak human. 

"What! Why would you bring her here? Wherever you got her from bring her back! Please mom. We cant have her here!" If one big mouthed human found out about werewolves then the whole world would know. We did not need another supernatural franchise to happen because of a dumb human. They almost caused us to go extinct. There was no way I would allow one to be within my pack bounds.

"Son, we can't just give her back. She is here to stay" My father turned slightly to my mother only to turn back to me. He was just as unhappy about this as I was. This was obviously my mother's idea. She was one of the few wolves that could not only stand humans, but actually be friends with them. I believe it was because she was from a different pack originally. Supposedly there are packs out there that accept humans and treat them as equal. Those were the weak packs that were easy to take over though, my mother was lucky to have made it out of one.

"We can't have a human here. What were you thinking? This is going to ruin everything we are trying so hard to protect! Please, get rid of her." My mother had the biggest heart out of all of us but sometimes she brought it way to far. This wasn't like bringing a stray home. This was a life changing event and she could not stay, even if she was the Alpha's mate.

"Liam she is here to stay and that's final." She no longer sounded nervous. She had been the Alpha Female of this pack for over thirty years and the title came with power. This was a power I had always hoped my mate would have. She didn't though, she was just a dumb and weak human.

"Mom, get rid of her." I tried to use my Alpha authority over her, something I had never done before. They weren't just my parents but they were also former Alphas. They didn't take to being bossed around by the new Alpha very well, especially when that Alpha was their son.

My mother's voice became a whisper. "To put a long story short she is the daughter of one of my late human friends. She has been in foster care almost her whole life and I couldn't let Rachel's...." she trailed off. " I couldn't let Rachel's daughter get hurt anymore. She has been through a lot and I expect you to be nothing but kind to her. Do you understand?" I didn't know what to say. I wanted to to obey my mother, but I couldn't. That girl, my mate, was going to be out of the house before the week was over.

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