Special: Cherry Blossoms (Part 2)

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"What do you mean I'm pregnant!" I scream out blushing.

"Well judging by your recent mood swings and you vomit-" Genos said.

"I'm not worried about that crap! I need a pregnancy test now!" I scream getting up and putting on my shoes.

"(Reader) wait!" Genos screams rushing to the door but stops and quickly rushes to the kitchen to turn the stove off.

"(Reader)!" I heard Genos scream again.

"That will be 1,000 yen please." The woman says with a bored look.

"Here you go." I said placing the coins in her hand and grabbing the packet.

"So you're going to be a father, aye." She said raising her eyebrow.

"Ew! He's my cousin bye!" I made something on the spot roughly grabbing his elbow pulling him along with me. Genos yelps out in surprise and staggers behind me.

"Quickly!" I whisper to him as we arrive near the apartment.

I open the door and take off my shoes only to be greeted with a rock hard chest. I look up and yelp in fright to see Saitama staring down at me with a serious look.

"You didn't watch the food for me..." Saitama grumbles out.

"S-Sorry, Genos and I had to go to the... the Hero Association, that's right!" I said stuttering out, trying to find an excuse.

"Hmmm..." Saitama says leaning close to my face and staring into my eyes, to detect any lying. Saitama then turns and stares at Genos for a few seconds.

"Well if you say so, but give me a call about you leaving because I was worried about you (Reader)." Saitama said smiling down at me and I blush as he hugs me softly. He then releases me and goes back into the kitchen. Genos and I give each other a look and we both sigh at the same time. I get the packet out of my bag and I hid it behind my body slowly making my way to the toilet.

"Oh, (Reader) could you get the chicken for me." Saitama yells out to me and I freeze in my spot facing my body to him.

"Hmmm... (Reader) what do you have behind you?" Saitama says staring at my form; he's so quick to notice!

"Um... nothing Saitama." I stutter out blushing.

"(Reader)..." Saitama says in a deep voice walking slowly towards me and I take steps back. I feel my back hit the wall and I gasp in fright and I look up at Saitama's face.

"(Reader)..." Saitama breathes out. Saitama places his right arm next to my head and I blush deeply.

"What's behind you?" he whispers as his left hand slowly travels to my hip and to my butt.

"I..." I stutter out blushing madly.

"Master!" I heard Genos scream but he fakes a fall and quickly grabs onto Saitama pants. I gasp as silence falls upon the room and I could see Saitama's face darken in anger.

"Genos..." Saitama says.

"Yes, Master!" Genos said looking up at Saitama.

"Come here, you bastard!" Saitama says pulling up his pants and chases Genos around the table. This was my chance and I quickly slip into the toilet. I sigh and pull down my pants and sit down on the toilet. I open the packet and start reading the instructions. I do my business and I hear on the door and I panic.

"(Reader)? Are you ok?" Saitama says.

"Um... yeah I'm fine!" I yell out and I rummage through the cupboards to hide my pregnancy test and the packet. I found a place for the packet but then Saitama suddenly opens the door and I quickly place the pregnancy test in my pocket. I look at Saitama and he stares back at me.

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