Wet and flustered? (Clint x Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, he should be thankful I didn't use maple syrup or something like that," I said giggling.

"We both should. That would be incredibly devious," He said looking into my eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes," He said smirking because he made my cheeks turn red.

"Thank you, you have beautiful eyes as well," I complimented causing his cheeks to tint pink.

Next Tony came out, he had changed and cleaned all the flour out of his hair.

"Are you guys flirting again?!" Tony teased us causing both of us to blush and look at the ground.

I was talking with Clint and Tony while waiting for everyone to come out. Once everybody was in the living room with their suitcase, we followed Tony in two three separate cars to the airport. We got out and all boarded the private jet. We all got settled in out seats and put our luggage away. We all talked for a little bit before I fell asleep.

*Another time skip brought to you by me doing Loki's makeup!*

When we landed in Malibu, Clint woke me up by gently shaking me.

"Hey, we're here (Y/N)," He said quietly trying to wake me up. I groaned and got up.

I grabbed my suitcase and followed behind Clint while getting off the private jet. Tony had a limo pick us up. We all piled inside and talked about what we wanted to do on our mini vacation.

"Hey! We should have a water gun fight!" I said excited.

"I like that idea," Tony agreed.

"What is this gun of water?" Thor asked confused.

"It's a toy gun that you fill with water. They're really fun," Tony answered Thor's question.

"It sounds interesting," Loki said.

"They're super fun. I haven't had a water gun fight in forever. Now I just use real guns," I said causing everybody to laugh.

"What it's true," I shrugged.

"We're here!" Tony said as the limo stopped. We all got out and went inside. Wanda, Natasha, Pepper, and I went into a bedroom to help each other choose what bathing suits to wear. Natasha ended up picking a red and black high waisted bikini, Wanda chose a really pretty deep red cutout one piece, Pepper chose a red and gold bikini, and I chose a purple and black high waisted bikini. I put a shirt over my bikini though.

We all walked outside and met the guys outside on the beach. Tony was staring at Pepper, Bruce was staring at Natasha, and Clint was staring at me. I don't know why, I'm in a t-shirt, but I'm not complaining though. There was a pile of water guns in the middle of everybody and we all grabbed one.

"Ok, we are going to do this in teams. (Y/N), Bucky, Pietro, Natasha, Loki and I will be on a team," Tony started, "And, Steve, Bruce, Clint, Wanda, Thor and Pepper will be on the other team,"He finished. We all nodded and looked at our teams.

"Ok, GO!" Tony screamed. We all ran around the private beach shooting each other with our water guns. I have hit everyone on the other team but Clint by now. Everybody is going full on SHIELD agent during the fight; jumping and flipping around. It was the most epic water gun fight I've ever had. I hid behind a portion of the house so I could take off my t-shirt, it was starting to annoy me because I was soaked and it was sticking to my body.

I walked back out water gun at the ready looking for someone to shoot. I saw Steve run past me and I shot him with water. Once the water hit him he turned around and started shooting me with water.

"I GOT YOU!" I yelled laughing.

"BUT I GOT YOU BACK!" Steve yelled laughing as well.

"I GOT YOU FIRST!" I yelled.

Next thing I know I felt arms wrap around my waist. I screamed and then started laughing while trying to free myself. I turned my head and saw Clint.

"Clint, no!" I said trying to get free.

"Clint yes," He smirked at me while holding to my waist tightly. He carried me out into the ocean and when he was deep enough, he jumped in while holding me. I felt the cold of the sea water come in contact with my skin. I got up to the surface as quickly as I could and saw Clint laughing. I narrowed my eyes and splashed him in the face. He looked at me and smirked. I started to run away from him. We were splashing and chasing each other. Soon all of the Avengers joined us and we all started splashing each other. A couple hours passed when we decided to end the fun and go inside to eat.

Tony, Pepper, and I went into the kitchen to see what we could make the team for dinner. We decided on Fettuccine Alfredo and garlic bread. Pepper also picked out some champagne for everyone to drink. Tony of course, picked himself some Scotch.

After dinner we all decided to go to our rooms and have quiet time. I went to Loki's room for a little bit and we talked about our favorite books and we agreed we would have our own little book club, just me and him. After speaking with Loki, I walked to my room and took a quick shower. Loki and I had chosen the first book to read, How to Kill a Mockingbird. He told me that he wanted to read it because a lot of people said good things about the book. After my shower, I changed into some comfy pajamas, which was a big t-shirt, sweatpants, and slippers. I climbed into the bed and grabbed my favorite book. I heard a knock on my door after about ten minutes of reading.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Hey (Y/N), it's Clint," Clint answered.

"Come in," I said feeling butterflies in my stomach. He walked in and sat on the end of my bed facing me.

"What's up?" I asked closing my book.

"So, (Y/N). I w-was wondering if maybe, you would w-want to g-go on a d-date with me?" He stuttered. I didn't think that he would be nervous to ask someone out, let alone me. I mean he is a master archer, an avenger!

"I would love to Clint," I smiled at him.

"Great! Um. Maybe we could have dinner when we get back in New York?" He asked.

"That sounds wonderful," I smiled.

"Great, I'll make some reservations. How does 7 sound?" He asked me.

"7 sound perfect," I smiled at him. He smiled at me before getting up and exiting my room. I smiled from ear to ear after he left. I have a date with Clint Barton. I have been waiting for this day ever since I met him. I can't wait, I'm so excited! I have to tell Natasha and Wanda!
Thank you Yavanna80  for requesting! This is my first requested imagine. If you want an imagine, see the author's note before the Tony x reader chapter for what to include. You can message me or comment.

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