Chapter 11

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(Name) froze on the spot while Erza smirked a little, Lucy put her hand on (Name)'s shoulder "It's okay! You're gonna win for sure! I believe in you!" Lucy said making (Name) relax a little bit then she smiled and nodded.

(Name) went down inside the ring, In the Sabertooth's place Sting asked Lucy "Is Erza-san going to be alright?"

"Lie or truth?" She asked, Sting thought about it for a while "both please" he said.

"In lie: yes she would be totally fine" Lucy said, "and the truth?" Sting said making Lucy smirk "No, she is totally doomed" Lucy said making the members of Sabertooth smirk.

Inside the ring (Name) walked calmly while Erza had a confident smile "long time no see, (Name)" Erza greeted, (Name) nodded "you too Erza" she said.

"Let the fight.....Begin!!" Chapati Lola said, the second he said that a sword was in front of (Name)'s face but she blocked it with her hands. "I knew it wasn't going to be easy" Erza said making (Name) smirk.

"Snow Dragon's roar!!" (Name) yelled, the roar didn't hit her but Erza jumped back a few feet, "Requip! Heaven's Wheel" Erza said and requiped. A few swords circling begind her "Blumenblat!" She said and swords were thrown at (Name) but she dodged it all.

"Snow Dragon's Claw!" (Name) yelled and slashed at Erza's armor making it break into pieces, Erza growled "Requip! Fire Empress!" She requiped and slashed the sword at (Name), the sword burned her arms a little making her groan a little.

Erza keep slashing the sword at her but (Name) kept dodging, (Name) took a deep breath and grabbed the sword, even though it's burning off her skin "this little burn is nothing" (Name) said and smirked.

Slowly snow was crawling into the sword and into Erza, (Name) smirk darkly and kicked the sword making it break.

Erza was getting frustrated "Requip! Nakagami Armor" she yelled and requiped into her strongest armor, "I thought you couldn't requip into that?" (Name) asked.

"Things change (Name)" Erza said. "Snow dragon's roar!!" (Name) shouted and sent a blast of snow at Erza, but she just slashed at it.

Erza then ran towards (Name) and slashed her sword at her making (Name) flew a few meters back, there was silence in the ring. Erza thought she won but.

"(Name)!! This act took too long! Go ahead and beat her up already!!!" Lucy yelled from the Sabertooth stand, Erza looked at Lucy in shock.

Slowly (Name)'s body stood up "Lucy, you took away my fun" she said and smirked at Erza. Erza stood in shock "nobody could've survived did you?" Erza mumbled to herself.

Then (Name) positioned her arms into an X pose, "Dragon Slayer secret art! Snow dragon's X trap!!!!" She shouted and slashed her arms.

Then an X formed cage trapped Erza inside, sharp snow started to attack Erza endlessly, she screamed in pain and passed out. (Name) snap her fingers "dismiss" she said and the snow around Erza disappear.

"(Name)(Last Name) wins!!!!" The crowd roars in excitement as (Name) walk back to the balcony.

Lucy smacked (Name)'s head, "oww!! Why did you do that?!" She yelled while Lucy put her arms in her hips "you could've won earlier" she said.

"I wanted to have some fun" she pouted, then suddenly (Name) flinched and her eyes widened.

"What's wrong?"Lucy asked worried, (Name) shook her head "It's nothing" she said and walked to the balcony.

(Name) looked over to Fairy Tail's side, she saw Master Mavis also looking at her. They nodded at the same time.

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