Beat ups and take downs

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Aly's POV

I sat there, watching my husband. His eyes were full of sadness. A showing with every tear that fell.

"Fuck I've let my daughter do this, fuck!" He muttered.

"Shh it's okay I-" he ran right out the door and I followed.

Ember's POV

I turned into my ally. I saw the guy I was looking for.

"Hey hunny, the usual?" I nodded, gave him the money and he gave me three needles.

I put the rubber band around my shoulder, revealing my vein. I held the needle up to my skin. I had a lot of tract marks. I injected the ever so sweet drug into my blood and felt the rush of a high begin to wash over me. But sadly as soon as it started it ended. I felt a pair of hands grasp my shoulders, I turned around to see my dad, as soon as I looked in his eyes he gave me a huge hug, then carried me, litterly, home. Fuck, now. I should tell you guys the truth I guess.

When I was 13 I started cutting. It felt good. I don't know why I did. I just felt the need to. Then I turned 14. I was always chubby, but this year I felt fatter. I made my self throw up every meal. Then I turned 15. Found a dealer and started heroin. It was so amazing to be on a high. I felt like the higher I was, the more desire I had, then when I came back to earth, I had a fire in my heart.

We got home and my mom was crying with her head I her hands. I began the story of cutting. Heroin. And anorexia.

"Ember, (A/N I keep writing Aly insted😂) you have to go to rehab." Aww hell nah. Screw this shit. I ran out the door to north van. It was an hour long walk, but it was far from home.

Make Me Skin And Bones (forth book of the end of an era series)Where stories live. Discover now