"Baby did you hear me?" Hailey called Justin back from his wild imagination which consisted of Lolita of course, she gave him a concerned look as her eyes searched his face. Justin straightened himself and ran his fingers through his hair that had a few strands of gray here and there.

"I'm sorry honey, I was somewhere else. Forgive me." Justin said apologetically, he was sincere. He was sorry for thinking of another woman, well girl, in the presence of the woman her fell in love with. He was ashamed, how could he?

Hailey sighed, she knew something was off about her husband but she only figured he was stressed because of business. Surely his large and successful company was the cause of his strange behavior but , it wasn't. She didn't know her own husband was lusting after a seventeen year old, she didn't know that her husband would possibly cheat on her with this young girl, hailey didn't know anything, she'll probably never know.

"Its okay, you're just stressed."

Stressed over a girl, he was guilty about looking at anyone else but her, wanted to blurt everything out and beg for her forgiveness afterwards but he didn't. "I'm gonna text mason to check on the kids." Justin lied again and pulled out his phone as he stood from the chair, then walked away from their table at the semi crowded restaurant.

Half of the restaurant was full of couples , happy ones who looked as if they had no problems. The other half sprinkled loners, older men and women dining alone, families. Justin shook his head and made his way towards the restroom, in search of a clear mind and an unaroused body. Thankfully the men's bathroom was empty, so Justin could properly look at himself.

He let out a deep sigh and leaned his hands on to the marble sink, looking at his reflection in front of him. His eyes searching the image in front of him, who was he? Was he Justin bieber anymore? Was he himself? Of course he was but he didn't feel like himself anymore, he felt like he wasn't in his right mind.

Surely that girl didn't have anything to do with this.

She did.

Shame on him for letting that happen, no one told him to watch the girl's hips sway when he first met her, no one told him to watch her pleasure herself, no one told him to touch her at the dinner table. He did all these things himself and now he was suffering the internal consequences of his actions, for he was an idiot.

"I'm such an idiot, " he mumbled to his reflection, squinting at himself in disgust because he was feeling something for another woman; well girl. The love of his life was sitting outside those doors, and he had the nerve to lust over anyone else? This had to stop, But it wouldn't and Justin knew it deep down inside. Lolita was etched in his mind now, poor Justin couldn't escape it.

Justin gripped the edge of the sink and shut his eyes tightly as if he were trying to forget everything. The feeling of her skin, the pink of her lips, the roundness of her hips, the endless stretch of her legs, he wanted to forget how good she looked. To no avail, he couldn't, with a frustrated growl he pushed himself from the sink and straightened his demeanor so he could face the only woman that managed to bring him to his knees.

Loli- hailey.

He was in trouble.

Justin finally realized that when he walked back to the table hoping to have Lolita waiting for him, but it was his wife who gave him a concerned smile. "Justin?" she called to him as he stiffly sat in the chair across from her, Justin gave he a tight lip smile and raised his eyebrows. "You okay? Are the children okay?"

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