Well, human

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It was the morning after and the room was obnoxiously bright due to the sunlight seeping through the curtains Patrick woke up later than usual meaning he'd be late for school meaning that given his attendance record he was screwed he wouldn't find it in him to care much it's not like he planned to be here to deal with the the end result this thought was interrupted by someone poking his foot repeatedly

He held off as long as he could trying to ignore it but eventually gave up sitting up and seeing that pete was sitting at the end of his bed poking him upon seeing him sit up pete straightened up and smiled equally obnoxiously bright "man, you sleep a lot" pete said irritatingly cheerily for this time of the morning "well, human" Patrick mumbled laced with sarcasm lying back down pete laughed "there it is now come in get up" page said happily "not even close" Patrick said lying back down pete ghosted to lying next to him it's too early for Patrick to care how close he is lying on his back with one hand behind his head "well look on the bright side I called your school as your mom you're sick apparently as far as they know and I can kind of make pancakes without burning your house down" pete said as if bribing a small child Patrick mumbled again but sat up "five minuets princess" pete said before ghosting and returning standing next to Patrick's nightstand putting a cup of presumably coffee down on it he then vanished again and Patrick could hear him ruining his kitchen so he got up and put some old joggers on siping his coffee perfect as usual but this time he's much less irritated by it he picks up the mug and decides to go rescue his kitchen

Pete was humming loudly while whisking something something Patrick had never heard it before but he liked it the song was angry but with an air of hopelessness it was brilliant he meant to ask pete who it was by but before he could pete saw him and stopped humming immediately looking ever so briefly apologetic Patrick thinks there's something pete isn't telling him there must be right pete knows him far too well this though was I interrupted by pete pouring the batter he'd been whisking into a pan which hissed loudly "ah fuck" pete cursed "you okay?" Patrick asked "yea I'm good it just um exploded a little bit I've got it though" pete replied he had two small burn marks on his arm pete Patrick went to make more coffee as pete continued to cook pete flipped them perfectly and made two big stacks placing them on the table pete beamed at Patrick and Patrick returned a small smile and they began breakfast "so how did you learn how to cook" Patrick asked making conversation "I don't think I did its probably one of those what you need things" pete explained "cool, thanks by the way they're great" Patrick said "I know right, pretty cool" pete said and they finished breakfast in a comfortable silence when they finished Patrick cleared the table and put the plates in the dishwasher he couldn't help his thoughts turning to leaving again pete wouldn't be here forever and Patrick couldn't take being alone again he thought about overdosing but pete was in the kitchen where he kept the medical box so he decided to try again with a razor oh crap he thought was pete reading his mind could he do it all the time or just when he chose too he set the dishwasher to start he went through the kitchen to the living room to find pete flicking through his movie collection "hey what's a good movie to watch on a sick day" pete said putting air quotes around sick day "uh have you seen iorn man?" Patrick suggested not even bothering to question pete on what they were doing its not like he'd be able to fight it "no dude I heard it was great just never got around to it lets watch that" pete said excitedly "cool I'm gonna go to the bathroom"

Patrick excused himself and left pete to find the DVD Patrick was going to try again he rummaged around in the drawer until he found the packet of razors holding it in his left hand he took a look in the mirror scanning himself deciding that it was for the best before sitting in the bathtub and pressing the razor into his left wrist dragging it along a little less than an inch if he was going to die he wanted to feel it know that he was truly dying a second later pete appeared and sat on the side of the bath straddling it motioning for Patrick to do the same he did his wrist was dripping not enough to be doing him any damage but still pete took the razor and melted it into a ball handing it back Patrick who dropped it into the bath and pete motioned for Patrick to show him his wrist he did as if presenting evidence of a terrible crime pete held his arm steady with one hand and put his thumb over the cut gently rubbing across the torn skin and as he did it began to disappear fade into nothing leaving a smear of blood on his wrist a few drops in the bath and a little on pete's finger pete released his arm and Patrick automatically pulled it to his chest to look at what pete did it was untouched not even a scar pete held his own arm breathing in sharply as a cut appeared and dragged out slowly exactly as Patrick had though nothing touched it then healed without a trace pete rubbed his arm and looked up at Patrick "please don't" pete said firmly with just a hint of hopeless sadness "di-did it hurt" Patrick asked quietly "only as much as it hurt you twice actually I felt it both times once as you then once taking care of it" pete admitted he wasn't supposed to tell Patrick that or let him know he felt it at all but he couldn't lie not to him somehow it felt completely wrong even for him "I'm uh I'm sorry" Patrick said very quietly he genuinely thought he might cry pete could tell "it's okay I knew you would its alright" pete said comfortingly hugging Patrick holding him close to his chest Patrick buried his face in pete's shoulder as pete rubbed circles into his back pete shifted and Patrick looked up they were in the living room pete lead him by the hand to the sofa and went to set up the movie once it had started he went and sat next to Patrick who was still sobbing softly pete wrapped his arms around his shoulders "why are you crying" pete asked uncharacteristically softly "I hurt you and all you ever did was help" Patrick said through uneven breaths "you didn't know that would happen it wasn't your fault" pete said softly but with a more reasoning tone Patrick didn't respond to that just cuddled closer to pete as he lay down and they watched the movie

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