Fat Thug Love Chapter 36

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Not edited hope you like it sorry for the wait!

Darrens p.o.v

I told the guard to watch Nana while we went out every time I turn around em got herself into some bullshit we all got in the trap vans and court gave directions

~30min later~

We made it to this abandoned ass warehouse and we crept around back

"everyone keep quiet and stay down low and if you see the nigga I showed you the picture of throw his ass in the van"

court said with no emotion we quietly broke into the back door and slowly went down the hall

"please just don't hurt my sister I beg of you"

I heard em say which she dont have to worry about because if he touch her I will kill his ass which I'm sure my baby already planned on

"Em I'm not going to hurt your sister I want your sister every since you showed me her picture Ive wanted her" The guy said

" well she is with someone and she would never want you"

em Spat while I'm standing here wondering why we haven't busted up in there

" well I will kill her man and raise his kids take over his trap everything he has will be mine"

Bitch ass nigga ain't ready for me I thought

" that's where you're wrong bitch"

court said walking around the corner I tried to come around also but she stopped me oh ok sneak attack good plan baby girl

"Courtney baby welcome"

i heard that stank breath as nigga say

" I have one question for you"

Courtney said getting in his face waving her hand for us to come out

"oh and what's that love"

Imma kill him for these stupid ass Nick names

"how would you like to die"

she said jabbing a tranquilizer dart inside his neck while the rest of us came out shooting every one on his side it ended in two seconds since he didn't bring many people with him and they were caught off guard

" pick that bitch up it's time to have him die a slow painful as death and as for you em your members are now my members and if you touch nana you're dead you are an outlaw til you die Understand that"

Courtney yelled in ems face

"yes sissy I am sorry so so sorry"

em says crying

I hate that shit because she knows court is a sucker for her family but it seem different today she just looked at her with no remorse and said

"Why would ypu do this and your pregnant why would you put yourself at risk like this"

Em looked at her and said

"how did you know"

"I found the pregnancy test the last time we hung out I was just waiting on you to tell me but its too bad your baby wont have a dad"

court said with no emotions at all and walked away

Damn I think I just shit myself as i sat and watched Emily cry

Rose p.o.v
~ back at the trap~

"Hang him up"

I yell to the workers and they do so this bitch wanted to kill my family I can't wait to see what my cousin has in store for his ass ghost walks in and sits down just as this nigga is waking up

"Well well well look who's up"

I said grabbing my taser

"bitch where am i"

he says spiting at me oh hell no I zapped him in the face with my taser

"spit at her again you dirty ass nigga"

Ghost said standing up im shocked because him and I never get along

"fuck you where is my girl"

he said

"oh lil em"

I said smiling

"no Courtney stupid"

he said

"Im right here fuck boy and I'm not your girl"

She seethed picking up the hot poker and Jamming it into his ribs

Ouch I thought

she put on these gloves and grab two hot medium sized balls and stuff them in the hole she just made he screamed so loud eyes rolling into the back of his head

"Hoe ass nigga wanna fuck with my family that's a no no"

she screamed in his face then slices his stomach and pulled the balls from his ribs through I winced and walked out to throw up have been throwing up a lot lately I went into my purse and pulled out a test I brought earlier this week and took it as I waited Courtney walked in she looked at the test then back at me she picked it up

"bitch why didn't you tell me"

she said jumping up and down

"I didn't know til now what does it say"

I said what a shaky breath

"it's positive"

she said all happy I was shocked and screamed Shawny ran a few mins later he came in

"What's Wrong baby"

I handed him the test he looked at it and fainted kaysin grabs the test and start smiling

"your pregnant I'm going to be an uncle"

Boom the end of the chapter Nahna14 will be writing the next chapter only a few more left til the sequel sorry I've been gone but I'm back I hope y'all liked the chapter lovebugs!

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