prologue; 00

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Cameron Stilinski; the girl who trusts too easily, not because she's naive, but because her heart wants to believe not everyone is out to deceive.

She was a beautiful dreamer. The kind of girl who kept her head in her daydream in the clouds, loved above the stars, and left regret beneath the earth she walked on, and she always had a way with her brokenness. She would take her pieces and make them beautiful.

She had her arms crossed on the bed, her knees on the ground as she nestled her chin on her arms, staring at her dying mother. She thought, at the time, that her mother was just sick. The young child couldn't even grasp the concept of death. She didn't understand the fact that her mother was about to be taken away from her and had spoken countless of times with other people about it.

"Mommy's tired. She needs to rest," she'd tell them. None of those people ever had the heart to explain to her that her mother's condition was far worse. She remembered vividly how she refused to ever leave her mother's room. Every time anyone even tried to get her out of the room she'd scream her voice hoarse. She stayed, she heard her last words, she received her last glance and smile, and she saw her take her last breath.

"Mommy?" the girl asked, sitting straight. Her mother didn't budge and the heart rate monitor's line fell straight, the beep the machine was making echoed through the empty room.

The girl didn't know what was happening and crawled onto the bed, nudging her mother gently.

"Wake up, mommy," she said.


The girl's big brown eyes started watering as she started panicking. "Momma, wake up, please," she begged.

Her mothers dead eyes simply stared at the roof, her body remained unmoved

She shook her mother's shoulder, trying to shake her awake.

"Please, mommy, I need you!" Cameron whimpered, her tears streaming down her rosy cheeks.

Those dead eyes just stared emptily right into her soul, void of all the love and compassion they used to hold.

In that moment Cameron felt the wind get knocked out of her as a ton of emotions washed her over like a bucket of ice, her heart aching. It felt as if someone had grasped her heart with a clenched fist. Her mom had left. And she could not do a thing about it.

The sound of the doctors who rushed in, shouting commands to attend the dead woman sounded blurred to her as if they were underwater. She didn't even hear her own brother crying next to her. One of the doctors picked Cameron up off of the bed as she screamed and kicked and clawed, hot tears streaming down her face, not wanting to be separated. Her mom broke the promise she made.

She left.


At eight years old Cameron saw her mother die. She realized that death was inevitable and even though she never recovered from it, she learned to deal with it.

At age sixteen she was swallowed into the world of supernatural creatures due to a bite her brother and her's friend received as they tried to fight along side him against a psychopathic wolf on a killing spree.

A month or so later a homicidal lizard appeared. That revealed to be the fault of a traumatised stalking boy that tried to kiss and kill her.

At age seventeen a pack of alphas penetrated her hometown. Human sacrifices were made and she nearly found herself to be one of them. Her father got kidnapped. When Deaton told them the only way to retrieve the parents was to sacrifice themselves in a ritual that would nearly take their life, the twins had their first real fight. Cameron refused to let Stiles be the one to do the sacrifice and Stiles wouldn't even think about letting her do it. In the end, her brother handcuffed her to the radiator and locked the door so he could be the one to nearly die to find their father's whereabouts to save him.

He got possessed. It was a very dark and lonely time for Cameron as her twin was separated from her for the first time as the demon inside him tried to take her life. Another piece of her heart was carved out and hung with a loose thread to it.

When her friend, Allison Argent's life was taken instead of hers, that shattered piece of her heart that still hung with a loose string was ripped out instantly, enlarging the dark gaping hole in her chest.

Soon after, a Hitlist appeared with her friends' names stamped onto it. Assassins looming in the corners ready to shoot their heads off.

Now, a pride of deranged doctors haunted the streets of Beacon Hills.

All the while, the girl did her best to leave her best friend since kindergarten in the dark about the supernatural which lead her to sometimes abandoning her with unexplainable reasons as she tried to save the ones she cared about. She always had that about her, that look of otherness, of eyes that see things much too far, and of thoughts that wander off the edge of the world. Tracy just dealt with it, but lately she'd been acting distant, and Cameron instantly noticed the change. She knew her best friend needed her and the brunette did her best to help her as Tracy struggled with the war in her mind.

The Stilinski girl didn't now that in the process of trying to put the shattered pieces of her best friend and herself back together, her best friend would end up picking up a piece of her heart, in the process of waking Tracy up from her night terror, she'd become her daydream.


what am i even doing?? someone pls stop me. i can't keep making stories. but tracy deserves love. but idk if i'm gonna continue. gah! but i love her. but i love malia too. you know what, i'm gonna try and do both.

Daydream ☁ Tracy StewartTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon