she cant know....

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A/N: HEY, ok so I believe some thanks and things need to be handed out, I would like to thank one of my friends for showing me Soul Eater, I absolutely love it! and I want to say thanks to my uncle, he is a officer in our united states army and right now I don't think I would be able to satnd some things being said if he hadn't been there for me. thank you for being so much more than my uncle, thanks for being my friend.... thanks for being my soul, (if I was maka, but im soul so technically your my maka, god damn it this is not symmetrical!) srry had to death the  kid rant.. all better now!)) and once again, don't own soul eater or its characters!!!!!!!


Souls POV

He wasn't turning around, not this time.... This is not one of Black Stars and his little plans for switching Misters, this was truly life or death here. it was his life or Makas, and like usual, he was choosing Maka's. He would do what ever he had to, to keep her safe. he knew what he had to do

step one: split away from Maka, its gonna hurt like hell, but you are saving her life.

step two: rendezvous at the highest point in the cemetery at midnight.  

step three: take any tourture they throw at you... only then can you be back with maka

step four: go back, find maka, beg for forgiveness and hope its not too late.

No one but Tsubaki knew. they all were in the dark. but if things took a turn for the worst Tsubaki was to tell Maka what was going on. but that was only if she was about to give up. about to die. only then could he know. Soul looked up. there it was, the highest point of the cemitary.  it was show time.

A/N: sorry this chapter is so short and lame... there is some stuff going on..... I just may not update for al little while sorry guys

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