Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

Pulling at her dress, he tried to bring enough of the velvet together to cover her exposed breasts, but to no avail. It was like trying to wrap two cantaloupes in a Kleenex. Looking around, I spotted what was left of the lace and picked it up. It was thoroughly shredded and useless.

Keeping my shield up to protect my eyes from whatever Medusa-alien boogaloo Nicolai had cooking, I made my way over to the table. I have to admit, in slumber, Druilla was quite fetching for a rabid, snarling, drooling, schlong carrying psychopath. But still...I wouldn't want the world getting a gander at my, following the unspoken rules of sisterhood, I took off my leather jacket and placed it over her bared chest.

"That was very kind of you," Nicolai said, coming up alongside me.

"Yeah...well...she looked cold." I mumbled, looking down at my feet. Judging by those nipples, her being chilly was an understatement. If we could have dragged her outside into the sun, she would have been a sundial for two different time zones.

"Look up at me child."

I cringed. Not only did I not want to face those eyes of his, but the "child" references were staring to freak me out. It sounded like one of those terms of endearment your weird creepy uncle, who wasn't really your uncle, would call you.

Clutching my shoulders, he turned me with about as much trouble as I'd have twisting the cap off an ice cold Diet Coke. Tilting my head up with his sleepy time finger, he brought my gaze to his. Thankfully, the irises had returned to normal, but still, that icy black regard bored into me. I felt everything inside turn into a Slushy and I shivered. It was like locking eyes with a malicious Yeti and my fingers itched to bring up the shield still gripped in my hand to block his probing stare.

"You are a most unusual human female."

"Vampire," I automatically corrected. Maybe I should get it tattooed on my forehead for these people.

"Yes," he chuckled. "My apologies."

His other hand moved up and he cupped my face in his cool palms. Tilting my head to the left and then to the right, his perusal roamed over me. Before I knew it, he jammed his thumbs into my mouth, forcing my teeth apart and one finger skimming my canines. Ewwwww!

I yanked my head out of hands, wiping my mouth with the sleeve of my turtle neck. I don't know where he came from, but in my neck of the woods, you didn't go shoving your fingers in people's mouths. My gag reflex was working double time to keep down that infernal cocktail weenie. It would serve him right if I ralphed it up on his Gucci shoes.

"She is complete then," he asked Fang as he came limping to stand between me and Nicolai.

Fang glanced over at me before turning back to Mr. Fingers. "Yes."

"But she appears immune to our powers?" Nicolai narrowed his eyes, taking a closer look at me. Which I was fine with, as long as he kept his exploring digits to himself.


Nicolai, turned sharply to face Fang. "To you as well?"


Okay...Fang was stuck in monosyllable land.

Nicolai drummed his fingers on the table. I couldn't help but stare. They were long and slim and had just been in my mouth.

"Interesting. This was not expected." He brought his hand to his mouth and tapped one finger against his lips. "Most of them are not as...coherent as this one."

This one? What? Was there more? My eyes darted from Fang to Nicolai as if I was watching a spritely game of ping-pong.

"She is Vampyre," Fang stated, his face unreadable.

Damn right I was. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"It is true then, Stoker has succeeded in his endeavors to create a serum," Nicolai sighed, his shoulders slumping.

"Only one dose."

Nicolai raised his head. "One?"

Fang shuffled over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Melanie is the innocent recipient of Dr. Kleinroseboom's experiment. He made one dose and injected it into her before disappearing."

"Have you any luck in finding Jurrian?"

"No. We lost him in the crowds at the mall."

So Fang was part of the Men in Black asshole group who mowed me down that day. Figures.

Silence filled the hall as Nicolai started to pace around the sleeping pyre of Druilla. Taos went back to eating his Doritos, but much more sedately than his earlier chomping. Obviously, he was the Silent Bob type because he hadn't uttered a peep. Just kept filling his mouth with one chip after another, his brown eyes focused on Druilla's hand which was still clutching the marbled manhood of the statue.

"Then, we have no choice." Nicolai turned, giving me a little sad sympathetic smile. "She must be destroyed."

After all that...poor Mel still has a death sentence hanging around her neck. Will Fang be able to convince Nicolai to keep her alive?

Stay tuned for the next installment of FANGED to find out. Don't forget to come join the fun on my Facebook page K. M. Halandras for sneak peeks!

Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it. If you liked it please give it a vote and comments are always appreciated. If you don't see any updates here...check out my other two stories Bending Steele or When Roses Collide.

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