Chapter Twenty-Two

Start from the beginning

Forgetting about my super-strength, I accidently punted her like a field goal clear across the room. Although the whole thing took less than a blink of an eye, I saw it in slow motion. Druilla flew away from me as if she had been shot from a cannon. Her mouth forming a perfect O as the air left her lungs in a whoosh. Oddly, she seemed to hang in the air for a moment before she landed in an ungraceful red velvet heap, crashing into the bottom of the massive throne.

But, before I had time to raise my arms up and proclaim the kick good, she bounced back up on her feet. Holy Janet Jackson! Talk about your wardrobe malfunctions! The whole black lace panel in the front of her dress was missing and she was popping more nipple than Orville Redenbacher popped corn.

Lifting my kicking foot up, I winced when I saw the shredded lace snagged and hanging off the end of my heel. Druilla must have felt the breeze, because she looked down at her dress and then back at me. Her eyes landing on the piece hanging off my shoe like a bull spotting a red cape.

Howling in rage, she reached over to the nearest statue and snapped off the impressive appendage as if she was snapping a dried twig. All three men in the room cringed and moaned in unison. Instinct had them crossing their legs and dropping their hands to protect their packages. I have to admit, I winced a little too. Because...well...damn! That's just wrong on so many levels.

"Red! Get up!" Fang barked from across the room as he weaved unsteadily to his feet.

Jumping to my feet, I whipped around just in time to see Druilla coming at me full speed with her stone club raised up like Captain Caveman. I was about to be pounded with a penis and not in a good way. As she swung to cold cock me...literally...I bent backwards to avoid the blow as it swished centimeters away from my face. Huh...who knew being crowned the limbo queen at the Tiki Club on the all-you-can-eat coconut shrimp night would one day pay off?

The momentum of her swing, spun her off balance and I took off running towards one of the gleaming shields hanging on the walls. Larry Bird had nothing on me as I jumped up a good seven feet and snagged it. Turning in midair, I landed softly on my feet, crouched and ready to defend myself like a Trojan against any renegade penile strikes.

Never in my life would I have dreamed I would have to take the term "cockblocker" seriously. But, as she raised her marbled phallus for another attack, I raised my shield and embraced my inner Captain America. I bet the Avengers never had to deal with this kind of crazy ass shit. Then again, saving the world from pecker peril probably wasn't high on their to do list.

She was just stalking past Nicolai when he reached out, grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her around to face him. His black irises grew until there wasn't a spec of white to be seen in his eyes as he glared into her seething face.

Holy Moses on a pogo stick! This was some serious "black-eyed kid" phenomenon happening right here. I read about them ounce in the Star. Apparently, these cute kids go knocking on people's doors asking to be let in to use the phone, only their eyes are entirely black and creepy. A shudder danced down my spine. ET phone home my ass.

Within seconds, Druilla's face became lax and submissive.

"Sleep," Nicolai softly said, touching the middle of her forehead with his index finger.

She collapsed in a heap getting caught by Taos before she could hit the floor. Carrying her over to the benched table as if she weighed nothing more than a piece of lint, despite her being three times taller, he laid her gently on top like Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. Let's face it...they were both poisoned and in a pick whichever one works for you. Personally, I wasn't going the princess route. To me, she was like a slumbering Smaug.

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