Chapter 3: Landed in Koma Village

Start from the beginning

Jillian: *Hears his loud voice* Yes! Now keep your voice down! I don't want to go deaf for the thousandth time.

Hyoma: Sorry. *Laughs nervously* So what type is your bey?

Jillian: My type?

Hyoma: Yeah! Is it a Defense, Attack, Balance or Stamina Type?

Jillian: I don't know! I only had this for a few hours and I'm those few hours. *Lies* I was asleep!

Hyoma: Oh right I forgot. *Laughs* So back at the Ravine. How did you get away?

Jillian: By using an Imaginary Bey.

Hyoma: An Imaginary Bey? Like an invisible bey?

Jillian: Not invisible. You can see the Imaginary Bey, it's literally light rainbow.

Hyoma: So how did you get here?

Dream: Let's just say I have some Anger Issues.

Hyoma: How bad is it?

Dream: It's not that bad. It's not like I had dark power inside of me.

Hyoma: Oh. Anyways, what's your name?

Dream: Oh um.. Dream!

Hyoma: That's a nice name! *Smiles* So When were you born?

Jillian: Oh Gosh. Well you're gonna get confused after this question. I was born In 2001.

Hyoma: How old are you?

Jillian: Here's the confusing part for you. I'm 14, do the math.

Hyoma: *Thinks about it* Are you sure you weren't born in the 20th Century?

Jillian: I was born in this century, dude! Wait a minute. What year is this?

Hyoma: It's 2014. Why?

Jillian: Because I want to the math too. *Thinks about it*

After a few minutes of thinking in silence, Hyoma broke the silence and said.

Hyoma: If you say that you were born in 2001 then your about the same age as Kenta. Which means you're 13 Years Old.

Jillian: But have you figured out what year I am in? In my universe?

Hyoma: Your year is Different?! Um? *Thinks about it for a few seconds* 2015?

Jillian: Close! It's 2016

Hyoma: Then you would be 15 years old.

Jillian: My Birthday is at the end of the year.

Hyoma: Oh, Well then. So what happened right after you launched your Imaginary Bey?

Jillian: A Wind started to appear. The Wind was the color blue. it might've been a Bey Spirit, it kinda looked like a hedgehog.

Hyoma's Mind: A Blue Wind? A Hedgehog? Is she talking about Sonic The Hedgehog?

Hyoma: Now Question. How many times have you been to Jail?

Jillian: 25 Times.

Hyoma: 25 TIMES?! How did you get out of jail?

Jillian: Sometimes in life you need to pretend to be a character in the Video Game because that's what I did for some them. The others.. You do N0T want to know!

Hyoma: Are you a bad girl?

Jillian: No, I'm not! The one who's been behind all of it and has tagged along with the police chases is the bad girl!

Hyoma: What's her name?

Jillian: Mindy. She's literally like about 16 Years older that me! She even cyber bullied me!

Hyoma: I'm so sorry.

Jillian: It's ok. I'm used to it. Anyways, What's Your Name?

Hyoma: My Name is Hyoma.

Jillian: Nice to meet you Hyoma.

Hyoma: Nice to meet you too, Jillian!

Jillian: *Shakes Hyoma's Hand fast*

Hyoma: *Smiles at her*

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