Chapter Nineteen - Celia Sends Her Regards

Start from the beginning

“The Shadow,” Leander gripped her arm. “The Shadow!”

“What are you talking about?” Sophie asked, as calmly as she could manage.

“The Shadow….the night royalty…there can only be one. He wants you to die.”

“You said there was no Shadow,” Sophie whispered, panic tumbling around inside her.

“He died,” Leander said desperately, clawing at her arm. “He died but he did not stay dead! He wishes to open the Doors! He wishes to kill you!”

“Who is he?” Sophie asked. “Who is he, Leander?”

Leander smiled, dreamily. “I took the oath. Defend the rightful Shadow, that was all. Defend the rightful Shadow. I followed the oath. Yes. I followed the oath…”

With a noise almost like a laugh, Leander stopped breathing.

Sophie stood up, heart pounding.

“This,” she murmured, “is absolutely insane.”

Zephyr ran, clutching the book, head down, thrilled by the terror. It had been a long time since she’d felt this afraid. Blood pounded in her head and her breathing was short but she wasn’t about to stop running.

“Hey! You!”

Zephyr sprinted straight past the Necromancer and hurtled down a new corridor.

“Stop! Stop! Who are you?”

Zephyr felt herself start to smile, her arms starting to uncurl. The book was securely inside her jacket and she was running from danger again….again? She’d run from danger before? Where memories coming back?

So thrilled with excitement, Zephyr didn’t notice the Necromancer till she smacked head-first into him. He shrieked and batted at her wildly but she was already running. Then suddenly she was lying flat on her face, mashed against the hard floor, unable to move.

“Who are you?” the Necromancer asked, walking forward. “Are you the thief?”

“Leave her.”

Zephyr couldn’t see the owner of the new voice but she felt the strange effect in her blood. Sophie was still safe…more or less.

“Leave her,” Sophie repeated. “I am the Night Princess and I command you to seek out the thief, not assault servants.”

The Necromancer hesitated, and then withdrew his power, allowing Zephyr to stand again.

“Thank you,” Zephyr whispered.

“Run,” Sophie ordered. “Run and run and don’t stop till you’re out of this place. Get well away and find Chrysanthemum. Go!”

The Necromancer Trilogy: ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now