Chapter Two - The Day Started Out Normal...

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Sophie didn’t mention the face the next morning. In the clear, ordinary light of day, seeing a mysterious scarred face at the window seemed ludicrous. She must have imagined it. Yes. Of course.

   It was because of that fact that she decided to ignore the footprints in the flowerbed. They could have got there by any means. Just because there were a few footprints, you didn’t have to assume things about serial killers on the loose. Besides, she’d watched the news that morning. No escaped prisoners. No tragic murders. She was safe.

“You some very jittery this morning, love,” her father frowned at her, as she jumped for the fortieth time. “Something wrong?”

“No,” Sophie shook her head. “Not at all.”

Her father raised an eyebrow. “You don’t have a boyfriend, do you?”

“Dad!” Sophie yelped. “Is that a serious question?”

He shrugged. “Ah, you never know. I think your mother wants you to start hanging out with boys.”

Sophie pulled a face. “And you? What do you think?”

“Me?” her father shrugged. “Stay well clear of those idiots, my girl. They’re all as stupid as each other. I should know. I was one once.”

“Seriously,” Sophie rolled her eyes. “I don’t have a boyfriend and I don’t want one. Ok? Why is that your immediate assumption if I’m a little bit paranoid?”

“I’m your father,” he said, severely. “It’s my duty to assume the worst.”

“The worst would be my impending doom,” Sophie pointed out.

“Ok, second worst then. Alright? Enjoy school.”

He hugged her quickly.

“Enjoy?” Sophie groaned. “Enjoy? We have English assessment! And History presentations! And a competition in Biology! And projects in Geography! And Drama!”

“What’s wrong with drama?”

“It’s drama.”

This point was considered for a while.

“Alright,” her father said. “How about lunch?”

Sophie nodded. “Lunch is good.”

“Right,” he hugged her again. “Enjoy lunch.”

“Will do,” Sophie grinned. “Enjoy work.”

He laughed as he walked out the door.

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