Chapter Eighteen - Shadows

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“You’ve got a visitor,” Max said from the doorway, his face lined with disapproval.

 Meritolo Boon smiled at Celia. “You alive?”

Celia nodded gingerly. “I…yeah. Thank you.”

Max gave her an all-too-knowing smile and shut the door behind him. Merry walked over and sat on the edge of Celia’s bed.

“Seriously, are you ok?”

Celia pulled a face. “I’ve known better days.”

Merry sighed. “Yeah, well…we all know what Maria does to people.”

“Particularly family,” Celia murmured.

“Yes,” Merry gave her a hard look. “That’s not something you share around, is it? I didn’t even know…”

Celia had the decency to look embarrassed. “She’s a family secret, really. Or she was.”


Celia winced. “It’s…sensitive. Complicated, too. But her father was not my father.”

Merry raised an eyebrow. “You mother was having an affair?”

“No,” Celia admitted. “It wasn’t…um…voluntary.”


Merry looked shocked but he didn’t say anything.

“But, for whatever reason, Maria was born and grew up as my sister,” Celia continued. “Until she killed our parents.”

“I heard rumours…”

“The rumours were true. But the Society wanted to use her…interrogation techniques and they kept her. But now…”

Celia bit her lip, remembering what Maria had told her. I’ve found my father…That could never mean anything good.

“Don’t upset yourself,” Merry looked worried.

Celia glared at him. “If you start treating me like I’m breakable, I’ll punch you.”

Merry grinned. “Fine. So…why did your sister murder your parents and try to murder you through dramatic and painful torture?”

Celia looked at him for a long time. “Meritolo Boon, I do believe I hate you.”

He laughed. “Yeah. Sure you do.”

Celia couldn’t help smiling. “Ok, maybe not. But that was insensitive. Go back to treating me like I’m breakable, please.”

The Necromancer Trilogy: ProphecyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum